Spring 2021, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, April 29, 2021

Seats  Avail  Wait
         CLSD  8387 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Clavio G                 25    0    0
                                                              Martindale K
                 X 472 : P - At least junior standing; at least 12 credit
                 hours completed in the school; and application for internship
                 credit approved by the school. Application is available on
                 the Media School website.
                 X 472 : May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours
                 Above class graded on deferred R and S/F basis only
                 Above class reflects Internship or Practicum experience.  For
                 more information visit
               9862 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Clavio G                 25    9    0
                                                              Shanahan I
                 Part of Semester in LA
                 X 472 : P - At least junior standing; at least 12 credit
                 hours completed in the school; and application for internship
                 credit approved by the school. Application is available on
                 the Media School website. 
                 X 472 : May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours
                 Above class graded on deferred R and S/F basis only
                 This class is offered as part of The Media School's Semester
                 in Los Angeles Program. If you are not a participant in this
                 program, you are not eligible to enroll in this class. For
                 more information about the LA program visit the MSCH website.
                 Above class reflects Internship or Practicum experience.  For
                 more information visit
              38454 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Clavio G                 25   18    0
                                                              Martindale K
                 X 472 : P - At least junior standing; at least 12 credit
                 hours completed in the school; and application for internship
                 credit approved by the school. Application is available on
                 the Media School website.
                 X 472 : May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours
                 Above class graded on deferred R and S/F basis only
                 Above class reflects Internship or Practicum experience.  For
                 more information visit
              37652 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Clavio G                 15    8    0
                 Cuban Center
                 X 472 : May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours
                 Above class graded on deferred R and S/F basis only
                 X 472 : P - At least junior standing; at least 12 credit
                 hours completed in the school; and application for internship
                 credit approved by the school. Application is available on
                 the Media School website.
                 Above class requires permission of Department
                 Above class reflects Internship or Practicum experience.  For
                 more information visit
        MSCH-X 472  MEDIA INTERNSHIP (1-3 CR)
              12952 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Clavio G                 25   13    0
                                                              Johnston K
                                                              Truesdell B
                 Arnolt Center
                 X 472 : P - At least junior standing; at least 12 credit
                 hours completed in the school; and application for internship
                 credit approved by the school. Application is available on
                 the Media School website
                 X 472 : May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours
                 Above class graded on deferred R and S/F basis only
                 Above class reflects Internship or Practicum experience.  For
                 more information visit
              38652 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Clavio G                 25   25    0
                                                              Shanahan I
                 Part of Semester in LA
                 X 472 : P - At least junior standing; at least 12 credit
                 hours completed in the school; and application for internship
                 credit approved by the school. Application is available on
                 the Media School website.
                 X 472 : May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours
                 Above class graded on deferred R and S/F basis only
                 This class is offered as part of The Media School's Semester
                 in Los Angeles Program. If you are not a participant in this
                 program, you are not eligible to enroll in this class. For
                 more information about the LA program visit the MSCH website.
                 Above class reflects Internship or Practicum experience.  For
                 more information visit
                 Above class requires permission of Department