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Office of the Registrar

Information is subject to change without notice. For Enrollment Dates, see Official Calendar »

April 2025

Calendar view
Tuesday, April 1
Time: All day event
Summary: BF19 - Transcripts reflect final Bloomington (IUB) degrees as of today for... - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Thursday, April 3
Time: All day event
Summary: KD21 - Auto W (last day to drop a course with automatic "W" grade) - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Friday, April 4
Time: All day event
Summary: IT50 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Sunday, April 6
Time: All day event
Summary: KF51 - Tuition 100% refund ends - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: KF55 - Tuition 50% refund ends - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Monday, April 7
Time: All day event
Summary: HP05 - University Information Technology Services (UITS) initiates deactivation of records for discontinued program/plan stacks (PPS) where no degree or enrollment data recorded in last 5 years
Description: HP05-2025
Time: All day event
Summary: ID04 - Reporting Services confirms with University Enrollment Services (UES) that University Information Technology Services (UITS) runs deactivation process HP05 - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Tuesday, April 8
Time: All day event
Summary: IX15 - Global Directory Service (GDS) inactivation: former students with no activity in 5 years removed from GDS table
Description: IX15-2025
Friday, April 11
Time: All day event
Summary: IT50 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: KD21 - Auto W (last day to drop a course with automatic "W" grade) - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: KD79 - eAdd ends - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Sunday, April 13
Time: All day event
Summary: KF55 - Tuition 50% refund ends - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Tuesday, April 15
Time: All day event
Summary: IW14 - Update default term on eDrop/eAdd website - 4255
Description: TERM: 4255

Friday, April 18
Time: All day event
Summary: IT50 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: KD21 - Auto W (last day to drop a course with automatic "W" grade) - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: KD79 - eAdd ends - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Sunday, April 20
Time: All day event
Summary: KD21 - Auto W (last day to drop a course with automatic "W" grade) - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: KD79 - eAdd ends - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Monday, April 21
Time: All day event
Summary: HI04 - Deadline for submission of grade/IX prior to advance notifications - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242

Time: All day event
Summary: IK95 - Bursar's Office initial billing date for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4255
Description: TERM: 4255

Time: All day event
Summary: KD21 - Auto W (last day to drop a course with automatic "W" grade) - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: KF95 - Bursar bill available (initial billing date) - 4255
Description: TERM: 4255

Time: All day event
Summary: KR07 - Continuing Student Registration (CSR) / Early Enrollment begins - 4255
Description: TERM: 4255

Tuesday, April 22
Time: All day event
Summary: IT50 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information - 4258
Description: TERM: 4258

Time: All day event
Summary: KR08 - Continuing Student Registration (CSR) / Early Enrollment ends - 4258
Description: TERM: 4258

Wednesday, April 23
Time: All day event
Summary: HI39 - University Enrollment Services (UES) emails advance notifications of Incompletes ("I") to both students and instructors - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242

Time: All day event
Summary: HI39 - University Enrollment Services (UES) emails advance notifications of Incompletes ("I") to both students and instructors - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242

Time: All day event
Summary: KR58 - Open Registration / Schedule Adjustment begins - 4258
Description: TERM: 4258

Thursday, April 24
Time: All day event
Summary: HP20 - Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) starts reviewing/preparing files for batch program/plan updates (PROGCERT) to new undergraduate students going through the New Student Orientation (NSO) reservation system - 4258
Description: TERM: 4258

Friday, April 25
Time: All day event
Summary: HO10 - Assistant Registrar, Academic Records, notifies Recorders of deadline for Extended-X applications for current term graduates - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: IT50 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: IU01 - Business continuity plan (BCP) MJC upload - 4255
Description: TERM: 4255

Wednesday, April 30
Time: All day event
Summary: BF09 - Deadline for updates to degrees prior to creation of Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) degree file for... - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: BG09 - Graduation date for this month's graduates - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: KR08 - Continuing Student Registration (CSR) / Early Enrollment ends - 4255
Description: TERM: 4255
