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Office of the Registrar

Information is subject to change without notice. For Enrollment Dates, see Official Calendar »

June 2 - June 8

Calendar view
Sunday, June 2
Time: All day event
Summary: FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: KF55 - Tuition 50% refund ends - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Monday, June 3
Time: All day event
Summary: CR29 - Enrollment may begin for students auditing all courses; paperwork submitted through REGHELP and Campus Administrative Registrar Transactions (the CART) - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: KA01 - Session begins - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: KD21 - Auto W (last day to drop a course with automatic "W" grade) - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: KD79 - eAdd ends - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: KF57 - Tuition 25% refund ends - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Tuesday, June 4
Time: All day event
Summary: CE21 - Process block enrollment merge to drop students from pseudo course and enroll them in the actual course - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: EF04 - Scheduling creates DEPTEXM1-2 and TIMEEXM1-2 from Request To Offer Departmental Final Examinations forms submitted by schools/departments - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: EF08 - Scheduling builds final examination grid for Schedule of Classes (SOC) Bulletin and checks against CONCRSE2 (EF09) - 4252
Description: TERM: 4252

Time: All day event
Summary: FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: FG53 - Deadline for faculty to enter and approve final grade rosters online by 8:00 pm for... - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: IT50 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information - 4248
Description: TERM: 4248

Time: All day event
Summary: KF51 - Tuition 100% refund ends - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: KG34 - Final grades processing ends - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: KO67 - New Student Orientation (NSO) begins - 4248
Description: TERM: 4248

Wednesday, June 5
Time: All day event
Summary: BF09 - Deadline for updates to degrees prior to creation of Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) degree file for... - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242

Time: All day event
Summary: CK01 - Kelley Direct (KD) Continuing Student Registration (CSR) term activation - 4248
Description: TERM: 4248

Time: All day event
Summary: FG66 - Final grades are reflected on current transcript for... - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: FG72 - Bloomington student grade data verified and available to schools for production of Dean's copies and probation reports (by 1:00 pm on full-term date) - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: KD21 - Auto W (last day to drop a course with automatic "W" grade) - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: KD79 - eAdd ends - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Thursday, June 6
Time: All day event
Summary: BF19 - Transcripts reflect final Bloomington (IUB) degrees as of today for... - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242

Time: All day event
Summary: CE51 - Appointments run - 4248
Description: TERM: 4248

Time: All day event
Summary: FH18 - Deadline for corrected grades - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242

Time: All day event
Summary: FH42 - 1:00 p.m. Deadline to turn in grade changes, removal of Incompletes ("I"), etc., for corrected grades - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242

Time: All day event
Summary: IT65 - Reporting Services creates Bloomington corrected grades snapshot - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242

Time: All day event
Summary: IT67 - Reporting Services creates Bloomington corrected grades snapshot (Kelley Direct [KD]) - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242

Time: All day event
Summary: KF55 - Tuition 50% refund ends - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: KG12 - Corrected grades processing ends - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242

Time: All day event
Summary: KG12 - Corrected grades processing ends - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242

Friday, June 7
Time: All day event
Summary: CE21 - Process block enrollment merge to drop students from pseudo course and enroll them in the actual course - 4245
Description: TERM: 4245

Time: All day event
Summary: FH31 - Produce supporting verification documents for IUBLA corrected grades - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242

Time: All day event
Summary: FH35 - Produce electronic file of IUB corrected grade ledger
Time: All day event
Summary: FH35 - Produce electronic file of IUB corrected grade ledger
Time: All day event
Summary: FH72 - Bloomington student corrected grade data verified and available to schools by 1:00 pm for production of Dean's copies and probation reports - 4242
Description: TERM: 4242
