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Office of the Registrar

Information is subject to change without notice. For Enrollment Dates, see Official Calendar »


May 2025

ZK22 - Beginning today Kelley-Direct-originated (KD-originated) standard GRD1 registrations may be reflected in Student Information System (SIS) - 4255
BF09 - Deadline for updates to degrees prior to creation of Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) degree file for... - 4252
BG09 - Graduation date for this month's graduates - 4252
KR08 - Continuing Student Registration (CSR) / Early Enrollment ends - 4255
BF19 - Transcripts reflect final Bloomington (IUB) degrees as of today for... - 4252
FG04 - Final grade Roster Generation Date (RGD) - 4252
FG04 - Final grade Roster Generation Date (RGD) - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
KG04 - Final grade roster generation date (RGD) - 4252
KR58 - Open Registration / Schedule Adjustment begins - 4255
CK82 - Begin Kelley Direct (KD) (GRD1 career) New Student Registration (NSR) batch term activation - 4258
FG16 - Email notifications sent to faculty participating in the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA): IU CourseShare - 4252
FG23 - Faculty may begin online entry of final grades via One.IU - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
IK94 - Financial aid disbursement for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4255
IK96 - GRD1 career financial aid disbursement for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4255
IT50 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information - 4252
KA02 - Session ends - 4252
KG23 - Final grades processing begins - 4252
AF02 - Last day for returning students to submit an application for Fresh Start during their term of return - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
KF93 - Financial aid disbursement begins - 4255
CK01 - Kelley Direct (KD) Continuing Student Registration (CSR) term activation - 4258
FG04 - Final grade Roster Generation Date (RGD) - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
KG04 - Final grade roster generation date (RGD) - 4252
FG18 - Final grade roster emails sent to instructors and departments - 4252
FG23 - Faculty may begin online entry of final grades via One.IU - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
FG51 - Student Information System (SIS) student grades begin to reflect Bloomington final grades - 4252
IT50 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information - 4255
KE35 - Final examination period begins - 4252
KG23 - Final grades processing begins - 4252
OC26 - Review 9 year calendar
CK92 - End Kelley Direct (KD) (GRD1 career) New Student Registration (NSR) batch term activation - 4255
CR29 - Enrollment may begin for students auditing all courses; paperwork submitted through REGHELP and Campus Administrative Registrar Transactions (the CART) - 4255
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
FG53 - Deadline for faculty to enter and approve final grade rosters online by 8:00 pm for... - 4252
IT60 - Reporting Services creates Bloomington final grade snapshot - 4252
IT62 - Reporting Services creates Bloomington final grades snapshot for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4252
IT62 - Reporting Services creates Bloomington final grades snapshot for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4252
CE21 - Process block enrollment merge to drop students from pseudo course and enroll them in the actual course - 4255
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
FG68 - Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) final grades email to students - 4252
FG72 - Bloomington student grade data verified and available to schools for production of Dean's copies and probation reports (by 1:00 pm on full-term date) - 4252
FG72 - Bloomington student grade data verified and available to schools for production of Dean's copies and probation reports (by 1:00 pm on full-term date) - 4252
BG19 - Kelley Direct (KD) graduation date - 4252
KA02 - Session ends - 4252
KC50 - Census date - 4255
KE85 - Final examination period ends - 4252
BG09 - Graduation date for this month's graduates - 4252
BL19 - Law career (LAW) graduation date - 4252
CE21 - Process block enrollment merge to drop students from pseudo course and enroll them in the actual course - 4255
IT55 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4255
KA02 - Session ends - 4252
KB37 - Commencement - 4252
KE85 - Final examination period ends - 4252
BG09 - Graduation date for this month's graduates - 4252
KB37 - Commencement - 4252
KA01 - Session begins - 4255
KA01 - Session begins - 4255
EB30 - Schedule of Classes (SOC) Build opens in Distributed Schedule of Classes (DSOC) - 4259
FG53 - Deadline for faculty to enter and approve final grade rosters online by 8:00 pm for... - 4252
FG53 - Deadline for faculty to enter and approve final grade rosters online by 8:00 pm for... - 4252
KA01 - Session begins - 4255
KA01 - Session begins - 4255
KG34 - Final grades processing ends - 4252
KG34 - Final grades processing ends - 4252
ZK23 - Kelley Direct (KD) administrative adjustments (begin after earliest KD registration upload) - 4255
AT05 - National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) compliance report - 4252
FG31 - Produce IUBLA final grades supporting verification documents - 4252
FG62 - Final grades are reflected on official transcript today (Fully Graded Date [FGD]) for Bloomington campus - 4252
FG62 - Final grades are reflected on official transcript today (Fully Graded Date [FGD]) for Bloomington campus - 4252
FG66 - Final grades are reflected on current transcript for... - 4252
IA94 - Waitlist ends: verify selected IDs for email notification and actual enrollment - 4255
KF51 - Tuition 100% refund ends - 4255
KG62 - Fully Graded Date (FGD) (Transcript Effective Date [TED]) - 4252
KG62 - Fully Graded Date (FGD) (Transcript Effective Date [TED]) - 4252
KR59 - Open Registration / Schedule Adjustment ends - 4255
KD22 - eDrop begins - 4255
KO33 - Business Masters (MBA) program orientation begins - 4248
KO33 - Business Masters (MBA) program orientation begins - 4255
KO33 - Business Masters (MBA) program orientation begins - 4252
EB31 - Schedule of Classes (SOC) Build closes in Distributed Schedule of Classes (DSOC) - 4262
FG72 - Bloomington student grade data verified and available to schools for production of Dean's copies and probation reports (by 1:00 pm on full-term date) - 4252
IA94 - Waitlist ends: verify selected IDs for email notification and actual enrollment - 4255
IT55 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4255
KF55 - Tuition 50% refund ends - 4255
KF51 - Tuition 100% refund ends - 4255
CE21 - Process block enrollment merge to drop students from pseudo course and enroll them in the actual course - 4255
CR93 - Deadline to apply for pass/fail option - 4255
EB11 - Post-Schedule-of-Classes-Build (post-SOC-Build) cleanup: Scheduling - 4262
EB15 - Post-Schedule-of-Classes-Build (post-SOC-Build) cleanup: room assignment - 4262
KA01 - Session begins - 4255
KF51 - Tuition 100% refund ends - 4255
KR59 - Open Registration / Schedule Adjustment ends - 4255
BM60 - Confidential (police) and releasable (public) directories created and sent by Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) by 5:00 pm - 4255
CE21 - Process block enrollment merge to drop students from pseudo course and enroll them in the actual course - 4255
KD22 - eDrop begins - 4255
KO34 - Business Masters (MBA) program orientation ends - 4252
KO34 - Business Masters (MBA) program orientation ends - 4248
KO34 - Business Masters (MBA) program orientation ends - 4255
CS43 - Last day for Deans to submit pass/fail option forms to Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) for... - 4255
CR93 - Deadline to apply for pass/fail option - 4255
FG41 - 8:00 pm Deadline for School of Law final grade rosters to be entered online - 4252
IA94 - Waitlist ends: verify selected IDs for email notification and actual enrollment - 4255
KG34 - Final grades processing ends - 4252
EB31 - Schedule of Classes (SOC) Build closes in Distributed Schedule of Classes (DSOC) - 4265
EF09 - Produce data file of concurrent enrollees in departmental examination courses - 4252
FG31 - Produce IUBLA final grades supporting verification documents - 4252
FG42 - Final grades for the School of Law are reflected on official transcript today (Fully Graded Date: FGD) - 4252
FG62 - Final grades are reflected on official transcript today (Fully Graded Date [FGD]) for Bloomington campus - 4252
KG62 - Fully Graded Date (FGD) (Transcript Effective Date [TED]) - 4252
KC50 - Census date - 4255
KF51 - Tuition 100% refund ends - 4255
KR59 - Open Registration / Schedule Adjustment ends - 4255
CR93 - Deadline to apply for pass/fail option - 4255
KD21 - Auto W (last day to drop a course with automatic "W" grade) - 4255
KD22 - eDrop begins - 4255
KD79 - eAdd ends - 4255
KF53 - Tuition 75% refund ends - 4255
KF55 - Tuition 50% refund ends - 4255
KH03 - Memorial Day - 4255
KH03 - Memorial Day - 4255
ZH03 - Memorial Day (classes do not meet) - 4255
CS43 - Last day for Deans to submit pass/fail option forms to Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) for... - 4255
EB11 - Post-Schedule-of-Classes-Build (post-SOC-Build) cleanup: Scheduling - 4265
EF06 - Produce report of enrollment by course (departmental) examinations and by daytime slot - 4252
EF09 - Produce data file of concurrent enrollees in departmental examination courses - 4252
EF14 - List courses on DEPTEXM table that were not offered the previous corresponding term - 4252
HP22 - Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) begins daily review / file preparation for batch program/plan updates (PROGCERT) to new undergraduate students going through New Student Orientation (NSO) reservation system - 4258
KF93 - Financial aid disbursement begins - 4255
CS43 - Last day for Deans to submit pass/fail option forms to Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) for... - 4255
FG51 - Student Information System (SIS) student grades begin to reflect Bloomington final grades - 4255
BF09 - Deadline for updates to degrees prior to creation of Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) degree file for... - 4252
BF09 - Deadline for updates to degrees prior to creation of Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) degree file for... - 4252
BF09 - Deadline for updates to degrees prior to creation of Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) degree file for... - 4252
FG18 - Final grade roster emails sent to instructors and departments - 4255
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4255
BF19 - Transcripts reflect final Bloomington (IUB) degrees as of today for... - 4252
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4255
IT50 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information - 4255
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4255

This Month's Events

Thu, May 1
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
BF19 - Transcripts reflect final Bloomington (IUB) degrees as of today for... - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 1
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG04 - Final grade Roster Generation Date (RGD) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 1
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG04 - Final grade Roster Generation Date (RGD) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 1
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 1
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 1
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KG04 - Final grade roster generation date (RGD) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 1
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KR58 - Open Registration / Schedule Adjustment begins - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 2
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CK82 - Begin Kelley Direct (KD) (GRD1 career) New Student Registration (NSR) batch term activation - 4258
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 2
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG16 - Email notifications sent to faculty participating in the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA): IU CourseShare - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 2
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG23 - Faculty may begin online entry of final grades via One.IU - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 2
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 2
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 2
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IK94 - Financial aid disbursement for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 2
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IK96 - GRD1 career financial aid disbursement for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 2
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IT50 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 2
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KA02 - Session ends - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 2
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KG23 - Final grades processing begins - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Sat, May 3
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
AF02 - Last day for returning students to submit an application for Fresh Start during their term of return - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Sat, May 3
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Sat, May 3
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Sat, May 3
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KF93 - Financial aid disbursement begins - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Sun, May 4
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CK01 - Kelley Direct (KD) Continuing Student Registration (CSR) term activation - 4258
MJC Important Dates
Sun, May 4
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG04 - Final grade Roster Generation Date (RGD) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Sun, May 4
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Sun, May 4
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Sun, May 4
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KG04 - Final grade roster generation date (RGD) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 5
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG18 - Final grade roster emails sent to instructors and departments - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 5
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG23 - Faculty may begin online entry of final grades via One.IU - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 5
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 5
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 5
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG51 - Student Information System (SIS) student grades begin to reflect Bloomington final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 5
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IT50 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 5
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KE35 - Final examination period begins - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 5
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KG23 - Final grades processing begins - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 5
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
OC26 - Review 9 year calendar
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 6
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CK92 - End Kelley Direct (KD) (GRD1 career) New Student Registration (NSR) batch term activation - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 6
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CR29 - Enrollment may begin for students auditing all courses; paperwork submitted through REGHELP and Campus Administrative Registrar Transactions (the CART) - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 6
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 6
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 6
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG53 - Deadline for faculty to enter and approve final grade rosters online by 8:00 pm for... - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 6
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IT60 - Reporting Services creates Bloomington final grade snapshot - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 6
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IT62 - Reporting Services creates Bloomington final grades snapshot for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 6
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IT62 - Reporting Services creates Bloomington final grades snapshot for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 7
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CE21 - Process block enrollment merge to drop students from pseudo course and enroll them in the actual course - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 7
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 7
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 7
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG68 - Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) final grades email to students - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 7
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG72 - Bloomington student grade data verified and available to schools for production of Dean's copies and probation reports (by 1:00 pm on full-term date) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 7
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG72 - Bloomington student grade data verified and available to schools for production of Dean's copies and probation reports (by 1:00 pm on full-term date) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 8
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
BG19 - Kelley Direct (KD) graduation date - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 8
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KA02 - Session ends - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 8
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KC50 - Census date - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 8
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KE85 - Final examination period ends - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 9
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
BG09 - Graduation date for this month's graduates - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 9
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
BL19 - Law career (LAW) graduation date - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 9
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CE21 - Process block enrollment merge to drop students from pseudo course and enroll them in the actual course - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 9
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IT55 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 9
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KA02 - Session ends - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 9
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KB37 - Commencement - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 9
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KE85 - Final examination period ends - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Sat, May 10
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
BG09 - Graduation date for this month's graduates - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Sat, May 10
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KB37 - Commencement - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 12
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KA01 - Session begins - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 12
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KA01 - Session begins - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 13
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
EB30 - Schedule of Classes (SOC) Build opens in Distributed Schedule of Classes (DSOC) - 4259
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 13
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG53 - Deadline for faculty to enter and approve final grade rosters online by 8:00 pm for... - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 13
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG53 - Deadline for faculty to enter and approve final grade rosters online by 8:00 pm for... - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 13
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KA01 - Session begins - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 13
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KA01 - Session begins - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 13
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KG34 - Final grades processing ends - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 13
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KG34 - Final grades processing ends - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 13
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
ZK23 - Kelley Direct (KD) administrative adjustments (begin after earliest KD registration upload) - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 14
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
AT05 - National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) compliance report - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 14
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG31 - Produce IUBLA final grades supporting verification documents - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 14
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG62 - Final grades are reflected on official transcript today (Fully Graded Date [FGD]) for Bloomington campus - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 14
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG62 - Final grades are reflected on official transcript today (Fully Graded Date [FGD]) for Bloomington campus - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 14
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG66 - Final grades are reflected on current transcript for... - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 14
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IA94 - Waitlist ends: verify selected IDs for email notification and actual enrollment - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 14
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KF51 - Tuition 100% refund ends - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 14
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KG62 - Fully Graded Date (FGD) (Transcript Effective Date [TED]) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 14
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KG62 - Fully Graded Date (FGD) (Transcript Effective Date [TED]) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 14
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KR59 - Open Registration / Schedule Adjustment ends - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 15
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KD22 - eDrop begins - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 15
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KO33 - Business Masters (MBA) program orientation begins - 4248
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 15
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KO33 - Business Masters (MBA) program orientation begins - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 15
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KO33 - Business Masters (MBA) program orientation begins - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 16
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
EB31 - Schedule of Classes (SOC) Build closes in Distributed Schedule of Classes (DSOC) - 4262
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 16
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG72 - Bloomington student grade data verified and available to schools for production of Dean's copies and probation reports (by 1:00 pm on full-term date) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 16
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IA94 - Waitlist ends: verify selected IDs for email notification and actual enrollment - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 16
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IT55 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information for Kelley Direct (KD) - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 16
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KF55 - Tuition 50% refund ends - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Sun, May 18
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KF51 - Tuition 100% refund ends - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 19
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CE21 - Process block enrollment merge to drop students from pseudo course and enroll them in the actual course - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 19
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CR93 - Deadline to apply for pass/fail option - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 19
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
EB11 - Post-Schedule-of-Classes-Build (post-SOC-Build) cleanup: Scheduling - 4262
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 19
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
EB15 - Post-Schedule-of-Classes-Build (post-SOC-Build) cleanup: room assignment - 4262
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 19
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KA01 - Session begins - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 19
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KF51 - Tuition 100% refund ends - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 19
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KR59 - Open Registration / Schedule Adjustment ends - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 20
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
BM60 - Confidential (police) and releasable (public) directories created and sent by Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) by 5:00 pm - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 20
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CE21 - Process block enrollment merge to drop students from pseudo course and enroll them in the actual course - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 20
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KD22 - eDrop begins - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 20
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KO34 - Business Masters (MBA) program orientation ends - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 20
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KO34 - Business Masters (MBA) program orientation ends - 4248
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 20
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KO34 - Business Masters (MBA) program orientation ends - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 21
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CS43 - Last day for Deans to submit pass/fail option forms to Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) for... - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 22
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CR93 - Deadline to apply for pass/fail option - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 22
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG41 - 8:00 pm Deadline for School of Law final grade rosters to be entered online - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 22
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IA94 - Waitlist ends: verify selected IDs for email notification and actual enrollment - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 22
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KG34 - Final grades processing ends - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 23
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
EB31 - Schedule of Classes (SOC) Build closes in Distributed Schedule of Classes (DSOC) - 4265
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 23
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
EF09 - Produce data file of concurrent enrollees in departmental examination courses - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 23
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG31 - Produce IUBLA final grades supporting verification documents - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 23
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG42 - Final grades for the School of Law are reflected on official transcript today (Fully Graded Date: FGD) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 23
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG62 - Final grades are reflected on official transcript today (Fully Graded Date [FGD]) for Bloomington campus - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 23
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KG62 - Fully Graded Date (FGD) (Transcript Effective Date [TED]) - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Sun, May 25
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KC50 - Census date - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Sun, May 25
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KF51 - Tuition 100% refund ends - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Sun, May 25
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KR59 - Open Registration / Schedule Adjustment ends - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 26
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CR93 - Deadline to apply for pass/fail option - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 26
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KD21 - Auto W (last day to drop a course with automatic "W" grade) - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 26
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KD22 - eDrop begins - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 26
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KD79 - eAdd ends - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 26
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KF53 - Tuition 75% refund ends - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 26
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KF55 - Tuition 50% refund ends - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 26
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KH03 - Memorial Day - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 26
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KH03 - Memorial Day - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Mon, May 26
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
ZH03 - Memorial Day (classes do not meet) - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 27
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CS43 - Last day for Deans to submit pass/fail option forms to Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) for... - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 27
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
EB11 - Post-Schedule-of-Classes-Build (post-SOC-Build) cleanup: Scheduling - 4265
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 27
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
EF06 - Produce report of enrollment by course (departmental) examinations and by daytime slot - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 27
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
EF09 - Produce data file of concurrent enrollees in departmental examination courses - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 27
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
EF14 - List courses on DEPTEXM table that were not offered the previous corresponding term - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 27
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
HP22 - Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) begins daily review / file preparation for batch program/plan updates (PROGCERT) to new undergraduate students going through New Student Orientation (NSO) reservation system - 4258
MJC Important Dates
Tue, May 27
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
KF93 - Financial aid disbursement begins - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 28
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
CS43 - Last day for Deans to submit pass/fail option forms to Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) for... - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Wed, May 28
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG51 - Student Information System (SIS) student grades begin to reflect Bloomington final grades - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 29
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
BF09 - Deadline for updates to degrees prior to creation of Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) degree file for... - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 29
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
BF09 - Deadline for updates to degrees prior to creation of Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) degree file for... - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 29
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
BF09 - Deadline for updates to degrees prior to creation of Bloomington Office of the Registrar (BREG) degree file for... - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 29
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG18 - Final grade roster emails sent to instructors and departments - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Thu, May 29
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 30
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
BF19 - Transcripts reflect final Bloomington (IUB) degrees as of today for... - 4252
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 30
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Fri, May 30
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
IT50 - Snapshot of Schedule of Classes (SOC) / enrollment information - 4255
MJC Important Dates
Sat, May 31
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
FG26 - Faculty may load final grades - 4255
MJC Important Dates