Course Listing: BE: MSCH-G400/410

Fall 2021, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, April 29, 2021

Seats  Avail  Wait
	MSCH-BE 400  BE: MSCH-G400/410 (6 CR)
              20645 RSTR     11:30A-12:45P   TR     FF 310    Emigh W                  33   16    0
                VT: GAME PRODUCTION II
                             01:10P-02:25P   TR     FF 310    Sellers M
                VT: GAME DESIGN II: SYSTEMS
                 G 400 : P - MSCH-G 300
                 G 410 : P - MSCH-G 310
                 Above class meets In Person. For more information visit