Course Listing: PRACT IN KINES & ATH

Summer 2021, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, April 29, 2021

Seats Avail Wait
               6616      1   ARR             ARR    ARR       Kessler R                12   12    0
                 Above class graded on deferred R and S/F basis only
                 above class for students participating in Adaptive Scuba
                 Service Learning
                 Above class is a Service Learning Course 
                 Above class entails a completed criminal history background
                 check (BGC) within the last five years to comply with IUs PIC
                 Policy.  BGCs are self-pay (cost varies by state and county)
                 and must be initiated via: HTTPS://TINYURL.COM/BGCIU-AHS.
                 This requirement must be completed prior to the first day of
                 class. Please initiate this process as soon as possible. If
                 you ompleted an IU-approved BGC in the last five years for IU
                 employment or as a student in another IU PIC program, please
                 advise your instructor and bring a copy of your certification
                 to class.
                 Above class is taught as Independent or Guided Study. For
                 more information visit
               6617 PERM 6W2 ARR             ARR    ARR       Huntoon A                10   10    0
                 Above class prior approval of Department Chairperson required
                 Above class graded on deferred R and S/F basis only
                 Above class reflects Internship or Practicum experience.  For
                 more information visit