Fall 2020, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, January 24, 2021
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MSCH-P 431 FEATURE FILM SCREENWRITING (3 CR) CLSD 31952 RSTR 04:55P-06:10P TR WB WEB Kelly S 15 0 0 P 431 : P - A grade of C- or higher in MSCH-P 331; or consent of the instructor MSCH-P 431 was previously offered as MSCH-P 452 with the topic: Writing the Feature Film Above class meets 100% Online through Synchronous instruction. For more information visit CLSD 38201 RSTR 11:00A-12:45P MW WB WEB Erpelding C 18 0 0 P 431 : P - A grade of C- or higher in MSCH-P 331; or consent of the instructor MSCH-P 431 was previously offered as MSCH-P 452 with the topic: Writing the Feature Film Above class meets 100% Online through Synchronous instruction. For more information visit