Fall 2020, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, January 24, 2021
Seats Avail Wait
SPH-I 270 INTRODUCTION TO SCUBA (2 CR) ***** ARR ARR ARR Beeker C 16 1 0 Above class meets first eight weeks only Students must enroll in one lab section For information call 812-856-4232 This class requires an SPH Fee/Kinesiology Level 2. Current rates are available at Laboratory (LAB) 13752 11:30A-12:45P T GF 194 Galloway T 8 1 0 Above class meets first eight weeks only Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In Person and Online Instruction. For more information visit CLSD 13753 01:10P-02:25P T GF 194 Galloway T 8 0 0 Above class meets first eight weeks only Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In Person and Online Instruction. For more information visit SPH-I 270 INTRODUCTION TO SCUBA (2 CR) ***** ARR ARR ARR Beeker C 24 10 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only Students must enroll in one lab section For information call 812-856-4232 This class requires an SPH Fee/Kinesiology Level 2. Current rates are available at Laboratory (LAB) CLSD 14993 09:25A-10:40A T GF 194 Galloway T 2 0 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In Person and Online Instruction. For more information visit CLSD 13754 11:30A-12:45P T GF 194 Galloway T 6 0 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In Person and Online Instruction. For more information visit 13755 01:10P-02:25P T GF 194 Galloway T 8 2 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In Person and Online Instruction. For more information visit