Fall 2020, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, January 24, 2021

Seats  Avail  Wait

              *****          ARR             ARR    ARR       Kennedy-Armbruster C    330   44    0
                 For information call 812-856-4232 
                 This class requires an SPH Fee/Kinesiology Level 2. Current
                 rates are available at
                 Laboratory (LAB)
               7522          08:45A-09:35A   MW     GF 293    Kercher K                30    4    0
                                                              BeMiller Z
                             ARR             ARR    GF 199
                 Above class personal fitness lab
                 For information call 812-856-4232
                 Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In
                 Person and Online Instruction.  For more information visit
               7523          10:00A-10:50A   MW     GF 293    Kercher K                30    2    0
                                                              BeMiller Z
                             ARR             ARR    GF 199
                 Above class personal fitness lab
                 For information call 812-856-4232
                 Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In
                 Person and Online Instruction.  For more information visit
         CLSD  7524          01:45P-02:35P   MW     GF 293    Taylor M                 30    0    0
                                                              Boyer M
                             ARR             ARR    GF 199
                 Above class personal fitness lab
                 For information call 812-856-4232
                 Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In
                 Person and Online Instruction.  For more information visit
         CLSD  7525          03:00P-03:50P   MW     GF 293    Taylor M                 30    0    0
                                                              Boyer M
                             ARR             ARR    GF 199
                 Above class personal fitness lab
                 For information call 812-856-4232
                 Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In
                 Person and Online Instruction.  For more information visit
         CLSD 13177          08:45A-09:35A   TR     GF 293    Boyer M                  30    0    0
                                                              Doyle D
                             ARR             ARR    GF 199
                 Above class is personal fitness lab
                 For information call 812-856-4232
                 Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In
                 Person and Online Instruction.  For more information visit
         CLSD  7526          10:00A-10:50A   TR     GF 293    Boyer M                  30    0    0
                                                              Arterberry C
                             ARR             ARR    GF 199
                 Above class personal fitness lab
                 For information call 812-856-4232
                 Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In
                 Person and Online Instruction.  For more information visit
         CLSD 13749          01:45P-02:35P   TR     GF 293    Taylor M                 30    0    0
                                                              Arterberry C
                             ARR             ARR    GF 199
                 Above class is personal fitness lab
                 For information call 812-856-4232
                 Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In
                 Person and Online Instruction.  For more information visit
         CLSD  7528 RSTR     03:00P-03:50P   TR     GF 293    Taylor M                 30    0    0
                                                              Doyle D
                             03:00P-03:50P   TR     GF 199
                 Above class personal fitness lab
                 For information call 812-856-4232
                 Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In
                 Person and Online Instruction.  For more information visit
               7527          09:10A-10:50A   F      GF 293    Deppe E                  30    3    0
                                                              Doyle D
                             ARR             ARR    GF 199
                 Above class personal fitness lab
                 For information call 812-856-4232
                 Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In
                 Person and Online Instruction.  For more information visit
              37568          ARR             ARR    WB WEB    Arterberry C             30   15    0
                 Above class meets 100% Online through Asynchronous
                 instruction.  For more information visit
              37569          ARR             ARR    WB WEB    Deppe E                  30   20    0 
                 Above class meets 100% Online through Asynchronous
                 instruction.  For more information visit