Course Listing: ENTOMOLOGY
Fall 2020, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, January 24, 2021
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BIOL-Z 373 ENTOMOLOGY (3 CR) ***** RSTR 12:30P-01:20P MW JH 124 Moczek A 24 2 0 Z 373 : P - One Introductory Biology Course Above class meets with BIOL-Z 620 Laboratory (LAB) 13375 RSTR 02:00P-04:00P W JH 122 Moczek A 24 2 0 Class divided into three groups. Each group meets in person every third week, with other two groups online (synchronous.) This class requires a Science Infrastructure Fee V. Current rates are available at Above class taught in a Hybrid manner which includes In Person and Online Instruction. For more information visit