Summer 2020, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, September 09, 2020
Seats Avail Wait
PSY-K 300 STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES (3 CR) 15132 RSTR 6W2 ARR ARR ARR Emerick B 40 2 0 K 300 Prerequisite: Successful completion of MATH-M 106, MATH-M 118 (or MATH-V 118 or MATH-D116 and D117), MATH-M 119 (or MATH-V119), MATH-M 211, or MATH-M 212. COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit Above class taught online CLSD 14629 RSTR 8W1 ARR ARR ARR Patton C 40 0 0 Above class meets first eight weeks only K 300 Prerequisite: Successful completion of MATH-M 106, MATH-M 118 (or MATH-V 118 or MATH-D116 and D117), MATH-M 119 (or MATH-V119), MATH-M 211, or MATH-M 212. COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit Above class taught online