Summer 2020, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, September 09, 2020
Seats Avail Wait
SPH-N 492 RSRCH IN NUTRITION/DIETETICS (1-3 CR) 4284 PERM 1 ARR ARR ARR Fly A 5 5 0 N 492 : P - Permission of instructor required ( 4833 PERM 1 ARR ARR ARR Brown A 5 5 0 N 492 : P - Permission of instructor required ( 6570 PERM 8W1 ARR ARR ARR Fly A 5 5 0 N 492 : P - Permission of instructor required ( 6574 PERM 8W1 ARR ARR ARR Brown A 5 5 0 N 492 : P - Permission of instructor required ( 6581 PERM 8W2 ARR ARR ARR Brown A 5 5 0 N 492 : P - Permission of instructor required ( 6577 PERM 8W2 ARR ARR ARR Fly A 5 5 0 N 492 : P - Permission of instructor required (