Summer 2020, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, September 09, 2020
Seats Avail Wait
SPH-K 409 BASIC PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE (3 CR) ***** RSTR 6W2 ARR ARR ARR Mickleborough T 45 18 0 K 409 : P - ANAT-A 215 or SPH-K 205 or equivalent and PHSL-P 215 or equivalent Open only to students admitted to: Exercise Science major/minor, Fitness and Wellness major, Health Fitness Specialist major, Teacher Preparation-All Grade major, Coaching minor, Kinesiology minor Above class meets with SPH-K 535 All Summer 2020 classes meet online. There are no on-campus meetings. Follow the times specified in the meeting line of the class. If the meeting line shows ARR, instruction will take place asynchronously This class requires a Dist Ed Learning Ctr Fee/SPH. Current rates are available at Laboratory (LAB) 6638 RSTR 6W2 ARR ARR ARR Mickleborough T 45 18 0 All Summer 2020 classes meet online. There are no on-campus meetings. Follow the times specified in the meeting line of the class. If the meeting line shows ARR, instruction will take place asynchronously This class requires a Dist Ed Learning Ctr Fee/SPH. Current rates are available at