Summer 2020, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, September 09, 2020
Seats Avail Wait
ENG-W 697 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN WRITING 1 (1-4 CR) 4138 PERM 8W2 ARR ARR ARR Greiner R 5 5 0 ENG-W697: Permission of Instructor and Director of Graduate Studies For permission, please email All Summer 2020 classes meet online. There are no on-campus meetings. Follow the times specified in the meeting line of the class. If the meeting line shows ARR, instruction will take place asynchronously 4139 PERM 8W1 ARR ARR ARR Matejka A 5 5 0 ENG-W697: Permission of Instructor and Director of Graduate Studies For permission, please email All Summer 2020 classes meet online. There are no on-campus meetings. Follow the times specified in the meeting line of the class. If the meeting line shows ARR, instruction will take place asynchronously 7728 PERM 8W1 ARR ARR ARR Greiner R 5 5 0 ENG-W697: Permission of Instructor and Director of Graduate Studies For permission, please email All Summer 2020 classes meet online. There are no on-campus meetings. Follow the times specified in the meeting line of the class. If the meeting line shows ARR, instruction will take place asynchronously 7729 PERM 8W2 ARR ARR ARR Matejka A 5 4 0 ENG-W697: Permission of Instructor and Director of Graduate Studies For permission, please email All Summer 2020 classes meet online. There are no on-campus meetings. Follow the times specified in the meeting line of the class. If the meeting line shows ARR, instruction will take place asynchronously