Summer 2020, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Seats Avail Wait
               3855 RSTR 6W2 12:40P-02:30P   MTWR   WB WEB    Astill A                 45    8    0
                 A 312 : P - BUS-A 311 with minimum 'C' grade
                 A 312 : Credit not given for both BUS-A 312 and A 310
                 online attendance is required during listed class times
                 All Summer 2020 classes meet online. There are no on-campus
                 meetings. Follow the times specified in the meeting line of
                 the class. If the meeting line shows ARR, instruction will
                 take place asynchronously
                 This course will have both synchronous (live) and
                 asynchronous (recorded) lectures and activities.  The content
                 of this course is highly scaffolded  covering only 6 topics,
                 with each topic being very detailed and requiring a
                 foundation of decision modeling in order to successfully
                 determine the proper accounting treatment.  Successful
                 instruction often requires more frequent interactions as
                 students progress up the scaffolded content.  For this
                 reason, the instructor has asked that students reserve the
                 scheduled class days and times to be available to meet
                 regularly with the class and/or student case groups as
                 necessary.  Students will be expected to participate in live
                 sessions 2-3 times per week, and meet regularly with their
                 case groups.  Although the class will not meet synchronously
                 on all 4 days per week, reserving the scheduled class hours
                 provides a common time when students should be available to
                 meet without concerns of outside conflicts.