Fall 2019, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, January 26, 2020
Seats Avail Wait
MUS-W 410 FLUTE/PICCOLO UNDERGRAD MAJOR (2-6 CR) 3271 PERM ARR ARR ARR Lukas K 18 5 0 If you are enrolling in lessons at the major 400-level, you must also enroll in MUS-I 300 Studio Masterclass and/or MUS-I 301 Departmental Masterclass as required by your instructor Above class requires permission of instructor 3272 PERM ARR ARR ARR Robertello T 18 8 0 If you are enrolling in lessons at the major 400-level, you must also enroll in MUS-I 300 Studio Masterclass and/or MUS-I 301 Departmental Masterclass as required by your instructor Above class requires permission of instructor MUS-W 410 FLUTE/PICCOLO UNDERGRAD MAJOR (2-6 CR) 3270 PERM ARR ARR ARR Richards G 22 22 0 Above class is a temporary holding section for unassigned major performance study. Students who register by the first Tuesday of the term will be administratively reassigned to an appropriate permanent class by the end of the first week. In addition to registering for a holding section, students should also register for the holding master class section under Gwyn Richards' name (MUS-I 300 for undergraduate students, or MUS-I 500 for graduate students). Students who register in the Dean's holding section master class will also be administratively reassigned to the appropriate studio master class, if available Above class requires permission of Department