Fall 2019, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, January 26, 2020
Seats Avail Wait
MUS-I 500 STUDIO MASTERCLASS (0 CR) 5816 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Allen J 25 24 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2892 RSTR 04:00P-05:50P W M 344 Arad A 25 12 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 31178 ARR ARR ARR Auer E 25 7 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 14630 RSTR 07:00P-09:00P M M 005 Bentley J 25 14 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 9004 RSTR 02:30P-04:00P F MA 004 Brenner B 25 18 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2893 RSTR 06:30P-08:20P W MA 405 Brancart E 25 6 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2894 RSTR 04:00P-06:00P W MA 454 Turner J 25 6 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 9166 RSTR 08:00P-09:00P R M 242 Freund D 25 13 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 Students must also enroll in the "Composition Forum" section of MUS-I 501 12399 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Carr V 25 24 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 Students must also enroll in the Organ section of MUS-I 301 / MUS-I 501 4185 RSTR 04:00P-06:00P W M 340 Clevenger D 25 10 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 4162 RSTR 06:30P-08:20P M MA 405 Cohen A 25 12 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 6036 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Collins C 25 25 0 Above class for Baroque Bassoon and Recorder students only Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Students must also enroll in the "Early Music major" section of MUS-I 501 2895 RSTR 08:30P-10:30P M MA 405 Colon E 25 11 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 12370 RSTR 02:30P-04:00P T JS 315 Epperson A 15 1 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" 5795 RSTR 12:20P-02:00P T M 215 Fishell J 25 13 0 Above class is for studio master class Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Students must also enroll in the Organ section of MUS-I 301 / MUS-I 501 Above class meets with MUS-I 300 5787 RSTR 07:00P-09:00P M MU 204 Fleezanis J 25 21 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2899 RSTR 08:30P-10:20P R M 015 Fuks M 25 11 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2903 RSTR 04:00P-06:00P W MA 007 Gazouleas E 25 11 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2900 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Gillespie L 25 19 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 5793 RSTR 06:30P-08:20P R MA 405 Haguenauer J 25 8 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2919 RSTR 07:00P-09:00P T MC 040 Dutton J 25 8 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 5788 RSTR 05:00P-07:00P T MU 204 Hart M 25 20 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 11207 RSTR 04:30P-06:00P T MA 004 Havranek P 25 13 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 4641 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Hoeprich E 25 25 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Students must also enroll in the "Early Music major" section of MUS-I 501 2901 RSTR 09:00P-10:50P T M 005 Hopper A 25 8 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 4132 RSTR 06:00P-08:00P W MA 007 Horne B 25 13 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2889 RSTR 07:45P-10:45P T MA 404 Kalinovsky G 25 6 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 4392 RSTR 08:00P-10:30P T MC 070 Kaplan M 25 7 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2898 RSTR 07:00P-08:30P R MA 452 Kerr A 25 14 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 7121 RSTR 04:00P-06:00P W MC 036 Kim E 25 12 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 11307 RSTR 04:00P-05:50P F MA 405 Krieger N 25 7 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 4960 RSTR ARR 09:00P ARR ARR Ludwig W 25 10 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Students must also enroll in the "Bassoon" section of I301/I501 Above class meets with MUS-I 300 39466 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Malafronte J 25 19 0 Marsh D Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class open to graduate music students only Above class meets with MUS-I 300 5750 RSTR 06:30P-08:20P M M 015 Mardirossian K 25 8 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 11308 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Blendulf J 25 23 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 Students must also enroll in the "Early Music major" section of MUS-I 501 2904 RSTR 01:00P-03:00P W MA 003 Sitruk F 25 20 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 4782 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Murphy K 25 17 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" 2905 RSTR 06:30P-08:30P W MA 454 Montane C 25 14 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2896 RSTR 04:00P-06:00P W MA 404 Muroki K 25 14 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2906 RSTR 06:50P-08:30P R MC 066 Murphy Jr O 25 11 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2907 RSTR 08:30P-11:00P T M 015 Naoumoff E 25 5 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2902 RSTR 07:00P-09:30P R MC 040 Nelsen J 25 9 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2890 RSTR 07:00P-09:00P W M 015 Gill B 25 17 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2909 RSTR 07:00P-09:00P W M 005 Noble T 25 12 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 9228 RSTR ARR ARR ARR North N 25 18 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 Students must also enroll in the "Early Music major" section of MUS-I 501 2910 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Perantoni D 25 11 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 14782 08:30P-10:00P W MA 405 Plano R 25 5 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 CLSD 13750 RSTR 03:30P-04:30P M M 356 Raymond J 10 0 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 9177 RSTR 07:00P-09:00P F MU 205 25 25 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Students must also enroll in the "Early Music major" section of MUS-I 501 Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2912 RSTR 05:15P-07:00P M MU 205 Ritchie S 25 20 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Students must also enroll in the "Early Music major" section of MUS-I 501 Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2913 RSTR 07:00P-09:00P R MC 070 Rommel J 25 8 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Students must also enroll in the "Trumpet" section of I301/I501 Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2914 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Seraphinoff R 25 17 0 Above class is for both modern horn and natural horn students. The modern horn group meets Mondays, 7:00-8:20 p.m. The natural horn group meets Wednesdays, 4:00-5:15 p.m. The rooms will be announced by the instructor Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 10114 RSTR 06:00P-07:30P T M 005 Simpson M 25 15 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2908 RSTR 06:00P-08:30P F M 015 Brendel W 25 12 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 39445 ARR ARR ARR Sioles G 25 21 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 Above class open to graduate music students only Above class meets in Prof. Sioles's faculty studio 2916 RSTR 05:30P-07:00P M MA 007 Stiles P 25 10 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 8402 RSTR 08:30P-11:30P T MA 454 Stumpf P 25 7 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 12667 RSTR 08:00P-09:30P R MA 378 Vasandani S 18 14 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 10047 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Szmyt E 25 14 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2917 RSTR 07:00P-08:30P R MA 004 Tartell J 25 13 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Students must also enroll in the "Trumpet" section of I301/I501 Above class meets with MUS-I 300 4783 RSTR 06:30P-08:30P T MA 452 Vaness C 25 10 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 4131 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Watts A 25 17 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 Above class meets in MU100 7218 RSTR 06:30P-08:30P W MC 040 Volpe P 25 11 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2918 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Wright E 25 22 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Students must also enroll in the "early Music major" section of I501 Above class meets with MUS-I 300 6774 RSTR 04:30P-06:30P W MU 204 Wyrczynski S 25 5 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 9186 RSTR 12:20P-02:00P T M 215 Young C 25 16 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Students must also enroll in the Organ section of MUS-I 301 / MUS-I 501 Above class meets with MUS-I 300 2920 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Zweig M 25 13 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 12520 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Ganatra S 25 15 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 12522 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Vamos B 25 18 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 12749 RSTR 07:00P-08:50P R MA 454 Pollard D 25 15 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 13147 RSTR 05:00P-09:00P N MA 452 Lenthe C 25 15 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 34709 07:00P-08:00P M MA 404 Thurman D 25 16 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class meets with MUS-I 300 MUS-I 500 STUDIO MASTERCLASS (0 CR) Students who register for this section of MUS-I 500 will be administratively entered in the masterclass for your assigned teacher. If your assigned teacher has no MUS-I 500 masterclass, you will be administratively dropped from this MUS-I 500 class. 2891 PERM ARR ARR ARR Richards G 300 300 0 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see, select the Miscellaneous category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" Above class requires permission of Department