Course Listing: EVOLUTION
Fall 2019, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, January 26, 2020
Seats Avail Wait
BIOL-L 318 EVOLUTION (3 CR) 1121 RSTR 11:15A-12:30P TR LH 102 Moyle L 94 19 0 P : L 318 : BIOL-L 111; and BIOL-L 211 or BIOL-S 211 Credit not given for both L318 and S318, or both L318 and L479. 36527 RSTR 11:15A-12:05P MWF JH 248 Anderson A 30 12 0 P : L 318 : BIOL-L 111; and BIOL-L 211 or BIOL-S 211 Credit not given for both L318 and S318, or both L318 and L479