Summer 2019, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Monday, September 02, 2019
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BIOL-L 112 FNDTNS OF BIOL: BIOL MECHANISMS (4 CR) 9088 RSTR 6W1 12:45P-03:45P TF JH A106 Whitworth K 39 22 0 L 112 : P - High school or college chemistry, for biological and other science majors. Credit given for only one of the following: BIOL-L 100, L 104, H 111, L 112, E 112 or Q 201. Above class designed to help you prepare for upper-level Biology courses. Therefore, class time is used for collaborative, active, and inquiry-based activities meant to deepen your understanding of course topics and to provide practice in disciplinary thinking (e.g., visualizing biological processes, making predictions, drawing conclusions from data, and reading and analyzing scientific publications). Because students learn and retain information best when they are actively engaged during class, the structure of this course is flipped relative to that of a traditional classroom. There will be two, highly interactive, required class meetings per week. Before each class, you will view recorded lectures, participate on Canvas discussion board, read textbook and complete textbook-related online activities. Your out-of-class studies will be guided by video outlines and/or question banks. Our weekly three-hour sessions will include individual quizzes, team-based quizzes, team-based activities, and whole-class discussions. Above class meets online and on campus IUB GenEd N&M credit - Natural Science COLL (CASE) N&M Breadth of Inquiry credit