Spring 2019, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Monday, June 03, 2019

Seats  Avail  Wait
               7509          04:40P-07:10P   MW     BH 103    Lee T                    70   54    0
                 Above class meets first eight weeks only
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
               7515          04:00P-06:30P   TR     SE 010    Antwi G                  48   24    0
                 Above class meets first eight weeks only
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
               7517          04:00P-06:30P   TR     GA 1100   Boveja R                 64   47    0
                 Above class meets first eight weeks only
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
         CLSD  7523          04:00P-06:30P   MW     GA 1106   James R                  64    0    0
                 Above class meets second eight weeks only
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
               7524          01:00P-03:30P   TR     WY 015    Wang Z                   71    1    0
                 Above class meets second eight weeks only
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
               7526          04:00P-06:30P   TR     GA 1128   Weiss-Kennedy C          64    9    0
                 Above class meets second eight weeks only
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
               7553          10:10A-11:00A   MWF    PH 017    Finley K                 45   19    0
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
               7556          11:15A-12:05P   MWF    PH 017    Owens C                  47    3    0 
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
         CLSD  7510          01:00P-02:15P   MW     RB 110    Ables E                 100    0    0
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
               7512          09:30A-10:45A   TR     AC C002   Finley K                 60    9    0
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit
         CLSD  7514          02:30P-03:45P   TR     BH 208    Jones A                  48    0    0
                 IUB GenEd S&H credit