Spring 2019, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Monday, June 03, 2019

Seats  Avail  Wait
              10445 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Alberts J                20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10446 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Bates J                  20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10447 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Bertenthal B             20   19    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10448 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Bingham G                20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10449 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Bradshaw H               20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10450 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Brown J                  20   20    0 
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10451 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Busemeyer J              20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10452 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Busey T                  20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10453 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Crystal J                20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10454 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       D'Onofrio B              20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10455 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Farley J                 20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10456 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Finn P                   20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310 
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10457 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Garraghty P              20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10458 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Gold J                   20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10459 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Goldstone R              20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10460 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Heiman J                 20   19    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10461 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Hetrick W                20   18    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10462 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Hirt E                   20   18    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310 
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10463 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Hohmann A                20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10464 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Holtzworth-Munroe A      20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10465 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       James K                  20   16    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10466 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       James T                  20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10467 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Jones M                  20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10468 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Kennedy D                20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310 
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10469          ARR             ARR    ARR       Krendl A                 20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10470 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Kruschke J               20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10471 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Lai C                    20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10472 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Landy D                  20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10473 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Lu H                     20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10474 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Mackie K                 20   17    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310 
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10475 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Murphy M                 20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10476 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Newman E                 20   19    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10477 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Newman S                 20   19    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10478 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Nosofsky R               20   19    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10479 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       O'Donnell B              20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10480 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Pestilli F               20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310 
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10481 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Pisoni D                 20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10482 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Prieto A                 20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10483 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Puce A                   20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10484 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Rydell R                 20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10485 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Sengelaub D              20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10486 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Shiffrin R               20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310 
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10487 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Smith E                  20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10488 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Smith L                  20   18    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10489 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Sporns O                 20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10490 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Todd P                   20   19    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10491 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Townsend J               20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10492 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Viken R                  20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310 
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10493 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Wasserman S              20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10494 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Wellman C                20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10495 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Yu C                     20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              10698 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Lewis C                  20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              11016 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Fyfe E                   20   20    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              31820          ARR             ARR    ARR       Hugenberg K               5    5    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310 
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
              31821          ARR             ARR    ARR       Diekman A                 5    5    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
              31822          ARR             ARR    ARR       Betzel R                  5    5    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this
              37311          ARR             ARR    ARR       Lorenzo-Luaces L          5    5    0
                 X 497 : P - PSY-X 398 or all of the following: P 155, or P
                 151 , or P 101 and, or P 106; and permission of supervising
                 instructor; R - K 300 or K 310
                 Third in a series of supervised research courses that require
                 active participation in research in a single lab. Does not
                 count toward Capstone or Neuroscience lab credit. An
                 independent experiment of modest magnitude. May be repeated
                 for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PSY-X 497 and P 493.
                 Semester I., Semester II and Summer
                 Students must complete the research agreement form in the
                 Psychology Advising Office (PY229) prior to enrolling in this