Spring 2019, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Monday, June 03, 2019
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EDUC-L 690 RDGS LIT, CULTR AND LANG EDUC (1-3 CR) CLSD 33653 PERM ARR ARR ARR Smith W 1 0 0 Above class requires permission of Department Above class requires faculty member supervising course work to send permission with student request to Chanel Stickles CLSD 35358 PERM ARR ARR ARR Medina C 2 0 0 Above class requires permission of Department Above class requires faculty member supervising course work to send permission with student request to Chanel Stickles: 35611 PERM ARR ARR ARR Wohlwend K 5 3 0 Above class requires permission of Department Above class requires faculty member supervising course work to send permission with student request to Chanel Stickles CLSD 37044 PERM ARR ARR ARR Coronel-Molina S 1 0 0 Above class graded on deferred R grade basis Above class requires permission of Department Above class requires faculty member supervising course work to send permission with student request to Chanel Stickles CLSD 37159 PERM ARR ARR WB WEB Wohlwend K 1 0 0 Above class requires faculty member supervising course work to send permission with student request to Chanel Stickles Above class requires permission of Department Above class taught online A distance education course fee may apply; check the SCU website for more information at This online EDUC class has an addition course fee. See Course-Related Fees at Student Central for more information ( 37314 PERM ARR ARR WB WEB Pawan F 1 1 0 Above class requires faculty member supervising course work Above class requires permission to Department. Contact Above class taught online A distance education course fee may apply; check the SCU website for more information at This online EDUC class has an addition course fee. See Course-Related Fees at Student Central for more information (