Fall 2018, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Seats Avail Wait
SPH-I 100 EXPRNCE IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (1 CR) VT: TECHNIQUE OF STRESS REDUCTION 8778 04:40P-05:30P MW WH 106 LeBeau D 32 4 0 TOPIC : Techniques of Stress Reduction: Meditation and Physical Activity For information call 812-856-4232 VT: TECHNIQUE OF STRESS REDUCTION 8779 03:35P-04:25P MW WH 106 LeBeau D 35 1 0 TOPIC : Techniques of Stress Reduction: Meditation and Physical Activity For information call 812-856-4232 VT: PRE-YOGA 8781 01:25P-02:15P TR PH 163 Durisen M 30 3 0 For information call 812-856-4232 VT: PILATES 8782 09:05A-09:55A MW WM 095 Watson J 30 5 0 For information call 812-856-4232 SPH-I 100 EXPRNCE IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (2 CR) VT: MARTIAL ARTS FOR STAGE FILM 12787 11:15A-12:45P TR PH 163 Kelly P 20 9 0 Topic: Martial Arts for Stage Film SPH-I 100 EXPRNCE IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (1 CR) VT: INTERMEDIATE ESCRIMA 8783 01:25P-02:15P MW WM 293 Welty A 25 22 0 Above class meets in gym 293, court #2 For information call 812-856-4232 VT: YOGA III 11417 11:15A-12:55P F PH 169 Gleckler W 20 18 0 P:I190, I290 For information call 812-856-4232 SPH-I 100 EXPRNCE IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (2 CR) VT: WALKING FOR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 39679 ARR ARR WB WEB Nowak M 50 1 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only A distance education course fee may apply; check the SCU website for more information at Above class taught online