Fall 2018, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Seats  Avail  Wait

              10113          02:30P-03:20P   MW     LH 135    Al Ameri M               18    1    0
                             02:30P-03:45P   TR     SY 108    Al Ameri M
                 Above class open to graduates only
                 Above class meets with NELC-A 100
                 Enrollment in conversation section required, TBA
               6216          03:35P-04:25P   MW     LH 125    Istrabadi Z              18   13    0
                             04:00P-05:15P   TR     SY 108    Istrabadi Z
                 Above class open to graduates only
                 Above class meets with NELC-A 100
                 Enrollment in conversation section required, TBA
               3627 RSTR     09:05A-09:55A   MW     FQ 012B   Djeldjel L               18    5    0
                             09:30A-10:45A   TR     FQ 012A   Djeldjel L
                 Above class open to graduates only
                 Above class meets with NELC-A 100
                 Enrollment in conversation section required, TBA
         CLSD  3628 RSTR     11:15A-12:05P   MW     WI C109   Istrabadi Z              19    0    0
                             11:15A-12:30P   TR     LH 101    Istrabadi Z
                 Above class open to graduates only
                 Above class meets with NELC-A 100
                 Enrollment in conversation section required, TBA
              31250          01:25P-02:15P   MW     SY 137    Istrabadi Z              18    1    0
                             01:00P-02:15P   TR     BH 314    Istrabadi Z
                 Above class meets with NELC-A 100
              11602          01:25P-02:15P   MW     BH 315    Aly H                    18    1    0
                             01:00P-02:15P   TR     PH 019    Aly H
                 Above class open to graduates only
                 Above class meets with NELC-A100
                 Enrollment in conversation section required, TBA