Spring 2018, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Monday, June 04, 2018
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MSCH-J 460 TOPICS COLLOQUIUM (3 CR) VT: RADIO INNOVATION 11481 RSTR 04:00P-05:15P MW FF 062 Quantz A 18 8 0 TOPIC : Radio Innovation J 460 : P - Junior or Senior standing J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topics in J460 and JOUR-J 460. VT: AAF COMPETITION TEAM 14048 PERM 05:30P-06:45P MW FF 210 Wood C 30 4 0 TOPIC : AAF Competition Team J 460 : P - Junior or Senior standing J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topics in J460 and JOUR-J 460. Above class requires permission of instructor For an application, email VT: JOURNALISM ENTREPRENEURSHIP 30017 RSTR 01:00P-02:15P MW FF 003 Metzgar E 18 2 0 TOPIC : Journalism Entrepreneurship J 460 : P - Junior or senior standing J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topics in MSCH-J 460 and JOUR-J 460 VT: BATEMAN COMPETITION 11487 PERM 05:30P-06:45P TR FF 216 Groobert D 18 13 0 TOPIC : Bateman Competition J 460 : P - Junior or Senior standing J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topics in J460 and JOUR-J 460. Above class requires permission of instructor VT: INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING 11933 RSTR 11:15A-12:30P MW FF 216 Lanosga G 12 1 0 TOPIC : Investigative Reporting J 460 : P - Junior or Senior standing J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topics in J460 and JOUR-J 460. Above class meets with MSCH-J 660, 33139 VT: PR CAREER SUCCESS PREPARATION 12066 RSTR 04:00P-05:15P MW FF 060 Heslin M 18 6 0 TOPIC : PR Career Success Preparation J 460 : P - MSCH-R 321 or JOUR-J 321 J 460 : P - Junior or Senior standing J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topics in J460 and JOUR-J 460 VT: STORY MECHANICS 12076 PERM 09:30A-10:45A MW FF 214 French T 16 6 0 TOPIC : Story Mechanics J 460 : P - Junior or senior standing Above class requires permission of instructor J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topics in MSCH-J 460 and JOUR-J 460