Fall 2017, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, January 18, 2018
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ARTH-A 640 PROBLEMS IN MODERN ART (3 CR) 36409 RSTR 02:00P-05:00P R FA 002 Molotiu A 10 1 0 Above class open to graduates only TOPIC : How Comics Work: Graphic Style and Storytelling in Comics and Sequential Art ARTH-A 640 PROBLEMS IN MODERN ART (3 CR) 12633 RSTR 03:30P-06:30P T FA 002 Grewe C 10 2 0 Above class open to graduates only Title: Religion, Art and Conflict CLSD 32671 RSTR 09:00A-11:30A W BH 505 Wolfskill P 3 0 0 Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with AAAD-A694 Topic: The Visual Arts in African American and African Diaspora Studies