Fall 2017, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, January 18, 2018

Seats  Avail  Wait

               6688 RSTR     07:00P-09:00P   T      MA 007    Allen J                  25   24    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3191 RSTR     04:00P-05:50P   W      M  344    Arad A                   25    5    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3192 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Auer E                   25   12    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300 
              10646 RSTR     02:30P-04:30P   F      MA 007    Brenner B                25   19    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3193 RSTR     06:30P-08:20P   W      MA 405    Brancart E               25   12    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3195 RSTR     04:00P-06:00P   W      MA 454    Bransby B                25   12    0
                                                              Kassinger R
                                                              Muroki K
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              10877 RSTR     09:00P-10:00P   R      M  242    Freund D                 25   12    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
                 Students must also enroll in the "Composition Forum" section
                 of MUS-I 501
              35256          ARR             ARR    ARR       Carr V                   25   25    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               4651 RSTR     07:00P-08:30P   T      MA 454    Clevenger D              25   15    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               4626 RSTR     06:30P-08:20P   M      MA 405    Cohen A                  25    7    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               6983 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Collins C                25   25    0
                 Above class for Baroque Bassoon and Recorder students only
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "Early Music major" section
                 of I501
               3197 RSTR     08:30P-10:30P   M      MA 405    Colon E                  25   11    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3199 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Cuccaro-Penhorwood C     25   23    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
               3203 RSTR     08:30P-11:00P   T      MA 452    Ellefson P               25   13    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "Trombone" section of
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              35112 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Epperson A               25   22    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "Collaborative Piano major"
                 section of I501
               6665 RSTR     12:20P-02:00P   T      M  215    Fishell J                25    9    0
                 Above class is for studio master class
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "Organ" section of I301/I501
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               6654 RSTR     07:00P-09:00P   M      MU 204    Fleezanis J              25   21    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3205 RSTR     08:30P-10:20P   R      M  015    Fuks M                   25   10    0 
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3211 RSTR     04:00P-06:00P   W      MA 007    Gazouleas E              25    7    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3206 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Gillespie L              25   20    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               6663 RSTR     06:30P-08:30P   F      MA 405    Haguenauer J             25   11    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3234 RSTR     07:00P-09:00P   T      MC 040    Dutton J                 25    9    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               6655 RSTR     05:00P-07:00P   T      MU 204    Hart M                   25   19    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              14289 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Havranek P               25   13    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               5278 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Hoeprich E               25   25    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "Early Music major" section
                 of I501
               3207 RSTR     09:00P-10:50P   T      M  005    Hopper A                 25   12    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               4594 RSTR     06:00P-08:00P   W      MA 007    Horne B                  25   15    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3188 RSTR     06:30P-08:30P   R      M  015    Kalinovsky G             25    7    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               4907 RSTR     08:30P-10:30P   R      MA 007    Kaplan M                 25    7    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3204 RSTR     07:00P-08:30P   R      MA 452    Kerr A                   25   12    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               8266 RSTR     04:00P-06:00P   W      MC 036    Kim E                    25   11    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              14541 RSTR     04:00P-05:50P   F      MA 405    Krieger N                25    9    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               6982 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Kubiak T                 25   21    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)" 
                 Above master classes will meet the following Tuesdays, in
                 M005, 7:30-9pm, on Sept. 12, Oct. 3, Oct. 24, and Nov. 7,
                 and a studio recital in Ford Hall, Saturday, Nov. 11.
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               5663 RSTR     ARR    09:00P   ARR    ARR       Ludwig W                 25   12    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "Bassoon" section of
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               6612 RSTR     06:30P-08:20P   M      M  015    Mardirossian K           25    8    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              14544 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Blendulf J               25   23    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3214 RSTR     03:00P-05:00P   W      MA 003    Sitruk F                 25   14    0
                                                              Szmyt E
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               5451 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Murphy K                 25   22    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "Collaborative Piano major"
                 section of I501
               3215 RSTR     06:30P-08:30P   W      MA 454    Montane C                25   13    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3200 RSTR     04:00P-06:00P   W      MA 404    Muroki K                 25   11    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3216 RSTR     07:00P-08:30P   R      MC 066    Murphy Jr O              25   12    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3217 RSTR     08:30P-11:00P   T      M  015    Naoumoff E               25   10    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3208 RSTR     07:00P-09:30P   R      MC 040    Nelsen J                 25   13    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3189 RSTR     07:00P-09:00P   W      M  015    Gill B                   25   16    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3219 RSTR     07:00P-09:00P   W      M  005    Noble T                  25   10    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              10953 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       North N                  25   21    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3220 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Perantoni D              25   10    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3221 RSTR     07:00P-09:00P   M      M  005    Poulimenos A             25   19    0 
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              10892 RSTR     07:00P-09:00P   F      MU 205    Rickards S               25   13    0
                                                              Marsh D
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "Early Music major" section
                 of I501
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3222 RSTR     05:15P-07:00P   M      MU 205    Ritchie S                25   20    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "Early Music major" section
                 of I501
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3224 RSTR     07:00P-09:00P   R      MC 070    Rommel J                 25   10    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "Trumpet" section of
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3225 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Seraphinoff R            25   19    0
                 Above class is for both modern horn and natural horn
                 students.  The modern horn group meets Mondays, 7:00-8:20
                 p.m.  The natural horn group meets Wednesdays, 4:00-5:15 p.m.
                 The rooms will be announced by the instructor
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3226 RSTR     06:30P-08:20P   R      MA 405    Shaw K                   25   12    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              12218 RSTR     06:00P-07:30P   T      M  005    Simpson M                25   17    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3218 RSTR     06:00P-08:30P   F      M  015    Brendel W                25   15    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3228 RSTR     05:30P-07:00P   M      MA 007    Stiles P                 25   10    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               9884 RSTR     08:30P-10:30P   T      MA 454    Stumpf P                 25   10    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               9885 RSTR     06:30P-08:00P   T      MA 404    Jolly K                  25   13    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              36405          12:20P-02:15P   T      MA 452    Sutton T                 18   13    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              12106 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Szmyt E                  25   11    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3231 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Tartell J                25   18    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "Trumpet" section of
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300 
               5452 RSTR     06:30P-08:30P   T      MA 452    Vaness C                 25   15    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               4593 RSTR     04:00P-06:00P   S      MA 452    Watts A                  25   20    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               8377 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Volpe P                  25   14    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3233 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Wright E                 25   22    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "early Music major" section
                 of I501
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               7827 RSTR     04:30P-06:30P   W      MU 204    Wyrczynski S             25   15    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              10902 RSTR     12:20P-02:00P   T      M  215    Young C                  25   14    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Students must also enroll in the "Organ" section of I301/I501
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
               3235 RSTR     ARR             ARR    ARR       Zweig M                  25   13    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              35656          ARR             ARR    ARR       Vamos B                  25   23    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              36571          07:00P-08:50P   R      MA 454    Lenthe C                 25   23    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
              35654          ARR             ARR    ARR       Ganatra S                25   17    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class meets with MUS-I 300
        Students who register for this section of MUS-I 500 will be
        administratively entered in the masterclass for your assigned teacher.
        If your assigned teacher has no MUS-I 500 masterclass, you will be
        administratively dropped from this MUS-I 500 class.
               3190 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Richards G              300  300    0
                 Above class requires special fee. For current rate, see
       , select the Miscellaneous
                 category, and scroll to "Recording Fee (academic record)"
                 Above class requires permission of Department