Summer 2017, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, August 27, 2017
Seats Avail Wait
SWK-S 600 SEMINAR IN SOC WORK (1-10 CR) 13751 8W1 05:45P-09:00P W BH 206 18 18 0 13752 8W2 05:45P-08:05P TR BH 206 18 18 0 SWK-S 600 SEMINAR IN SOC WORK (3 CR) VT: DIVSTY, HUM RGHTS, SOC JUSTICE 14752 8W2 05:45P-09:00P TR BH 214 Stone D 20 4 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only SWK-S 600 SEMINAR IN SOC WORK (1 CR) VT: INTRO TO SWK PROFESSION 14754 8W2 ARR ARR ARR Allen K 20 4 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class taught online SWK-S 600 SEMINAR IN SOC WORK (3 CR) 13755 1 05:45P-09:00P W BH 214 18 18 0