Course Listing: YOGA II

Spring 2017, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, June 08, 2017

Seats  Avail  Wait

	SPH-I 290  YOGA II (1 CR)
              13450          09:05A-09:55A   MW     PH 169    Watson J                 30    6    0
                 I 290:  P - SPH-I 190 or permission of instructor
              13452          11:15A-12:05P   TR     PH 169    Gleckler W               30    5    0
                 I 290 : P - SPH-I 190 or permission of instructor
              13455          02:30P-03:20P   MW     PH 171    Durisen M                30   16    0
                 I 290 : P - SPH-I 190 or permission of instructor