Course Listing: ISSUE FORUM

Spring 2017, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, June 08, 2017

Seats  Avail  Wait

              11379 RSTR     11:30A-05:00P   S      GA 0001   Napoli L                120   29    0
                             11:30A-05:00P   S      ED 1120   Napoli L
                 TOPIC : U.S. Immigration and Refugee Policy
                 Above class meets in person only on Saturday, Feb 25, 11:30AM
                 - 5:00PM in GA0001. Prep and post-Forum assignments required
                 IN CASE of INCLEMENT WEATHER on Saturday, Feb. 25, this class
                 will meet on Saturday, March 4, 11:30-5:00 PM, in GA0001.
                 Watch email for announcements
                 Above class is open to any student interested in public
                 discussion and effective citizenship
                 Above class: Contact 812-856-1747 with questions
                 A portion of seats are reserved for students in the College
                 of Arts & Sciences.
                 Above class may be repeated for credit