Spring 2017, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, June 08, 2017
Seats Avail Wait
SPEA-P 507 DATA ANALYS & MODELING-PUB AFF (3 CR) 17021 01:00P-02:15P MW PV A335 Alexeev A 45 8 0 07:15P-08:45P M LI 503 P: SPEA-V506 or E538 or S520 or equivalent Above class requires lab: Mon, 7:15pm-8:45pm 17022 11:15A-12:30P TR PV A335 Rubin B 50 1 0 07:15P-08:45P T LI 503 Rubin B P: SPEA-V506 or E538 or S520 or equivalent Above class requires lab: Tues, 7:15pm-8:45pm Above class will meet in PV A335 17023 05:45P-07:00P MW PV A335 Rabovsky T 45 5 0 07:15P-08:45P W LI 503 P: SPEA-V506 or E538 or S520 or equivalent Above class requires lab: Wed, 7:15pm-8:45pm 17024 RSTR ARR ARR WB WEB Rubin B 30 23 0 Above class taught on-line Above class for SPEA Connect students only P: SPEA-V506 or E538 or S520 or equivalent Above class requires special fee - See fee page 32877 RSTR ARR ARR WB WEB Rubin B 30 18 0 Above class taught online Above class for School of Informatics students only P: SPEA-V506 or E538 or S520 or equivalent Above class requires special fee - See fee page