Spring 2017, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, June 08, 2017
Seats Avail Wait
NELC-N 695 GRADUATE TOPICS IN NELC (1-4 CR) CLSD 32767 12:30P-01:45P MW BH 235 Alsaleh A 15 0 0 Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with NELC-N 304 37731 02:00P-04:30P MW BH 137 Caner D 25 22 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class open to graduates only TOPIC : Ancient Greek and Near Eastern Religion Above class meets with NELC-N 303 NELC-N 695 GRADUATE TOPICS IN NELC (3 CR) 17164 02:30P-03:45P MW GA 0003 40 40 0 TOPIC : Worl War I in the Middle East Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with NELC-N 303 TOPIC: ISIS Use and Abuse of Islamic Texts VT: Rise of Eastern Rome NELC-N 695 GRADUATE TOPICS IN NELC (1-4 CR) 16476 10:10A-11:25A MW JH A106 Alsaleh A 15 4 0 Above class open to graduates only TOPIC : Arabic Novel Trans/Culture Above class meets with NELC-N 305 Above class is taught in English NELC-N 695 GRADUATE TOPICS IN NELC (3 CR) 12971 01:00P-02:15P TR BH 214 Khazzoom A 30 16 0 Above class meets with JSTU-J 304 and NELC-N 304 14125 04:00P-06:30P R PY 113 Shahrani N 12 8 0 TOPIC: Seminar on Family, Gender, Crisis of Masculinity Muslin CA and ME Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with ANTH-E 600 and CEUS-R 711