Course Listing: CHAMBER MUSIC
Spring 2017, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, June 08, 2017
Seats Avail Wait
MUS-F 550 CHAMBER MUSIC (0-1 CR) CLSD 6680 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Roggow A 200 0 0 Ganatra S F 550 : Students in the above class should be aware that a flexible schedule is required when scheduling coachings with their faculty coach. Students must attend the Chamber Music course meeting held in the first week of classes to find out important information regarding group sign-up and placement auditions. Time and location of the meetings will be announced to enrolled students and will be posted on the chamber music website at HTTP://TINYURL.COM/NQWQRQM. All members of the group must be enrolled in MUS-F450 or F550, unless making up an incomplete. Students must obtain the permission and signature of a faculty coach for their group and receive seven coachings, performing at least once in a public setting. Groups that are unable to find a chamber coach will be assigned to a faculty member by the Head of Chamber Music. Visit the above chamber music website for further details on guidelines and required paperwork or email with questions.