Spring 2017, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Thursday, June 08, 2017
Seats Avail Wait
MSCH-J 460 TOPICS COLLOQUIUM (3 CR) VT: RADIO INNOVATION 16279 RSTR 04:00P-05:15P MW TV 250 Quantz A 18 12 0 TOPIC: Radio Innovation J 460 : P - Must have a Junior or Senior standing J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topic VT: AAF COMPETITION TEAM 33659 PERM 04:00P-05:15P MW FF 310 Gantz W 38 19 0 TOPIC : AAF Competition Team J 460 : Must have a Junior or Senior standing J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topic Above class requires permission of instructor VT: BATEMAN COMPETITION 16287 PERM ARR ARR ARR Kang M 18 9 0 TOPIC : Bateman Competition J 460 : P - Must have a Junior or Senior Standing J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topic. Above class requires permission of instructor J 460 : Admission is by invitation of the instructor VT: COMMUNITY JOURNALISM 16288 09:30A-10:45A MW FF 003 Conway M 18 9 0 TOPIC : Community Journalism Above class is a Service Learning Course J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topic. VT: INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING 17019 RSTR 11:15A-12:30P MW FF 214 Lanosga G 18 2 0 TOPIC : Investigative Reporting J 460 : P - Must have a Junior or Senior standing J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topic. VT: PR CAREER SUCCESS PREPARATION 17245 RSTR 04:00P-05:15P MW FF 215 Heslin M 28 1 0 TOPIC : PR Career Success Preparation J 460 : P - MSCH-R 321 or JOUR-J 321 J 460 : P - Must have a Junior or Senior standing J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topic. VT: ADVANCED NEWS REPORTING 17261 PERM 09:30A-12:00P T FF 214 French T 18 8 0 TOPIC : Advanced News Reporting J 460 : P - (MSCH-J 341 or JOUR-J 341) or (MSCH-J 342 or JOUR-J 342) or (MSCH-J 343 or JOUR-J 343) with a grade of C or better Above class requires permission of instructor J 460 : For instructor consent, electronically submit three stories published or written for another class and a brief (no more than one page) description of why you'd like to take this course to Tom French, J 460 : Instructor meets with each student one-on-one every week J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topic J 460 : P - Must have a Junior or Senior standing VT: INTERACTIVE DATA VISUALIZATION 17274 RSTR 04:00P-05:15P MW FF 058 Aguirre N 18 3 0 TOPIC : Interactive Data Visualization J 460 : P - Must have a Junior or Senior standing J 460 : May be repeated for credit with different topic.