Fall 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, January 25, 2017
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SPH-K 550 SPEC TOP IN KINES (TITLE) (3 CR) VT: LAB RESEARCH IN ERGONOMICS 11895 10:00A-12:30P MW HD TBA Shea J 10 9 0 TOPIC : Lab Research in Ergonomics SPH-K 550 SPEC TOP IN KINES (TITLE) (1-3 CR) VT: UNDERWATER SCIENCE RESEARCH 11896 PERM ARR ARR ARR Beeker C 6 6 0 TOPIC : Underwater Science Research Above class requires permission of instructor SPH-K 550 SPEC TOP IN KINES (TITLE) (3 CR) 35372 ARR ARR ARR Gruber A 5 4 0 VT: FITNESS ADMINISTRATION 11897 04:00P-05:15P TR BH 316 Kennedy-Armbruster C 8 7 0 TOPIC : Fitness Administration VT: PRINCIPLES MGMT SPORT INDUSTRY 15496 01:00P-03:30P W WY 115 McNary E 10 6 0 TOPIC : Principles of Management in the Sport Industry VT: RESRCH/DATA ANALYSIS IN SPORT 36063 04:40P-07:10P T WH 108 Byon K 10 6 0 Topic: Research and Data Analysis in Sport Management