Fall 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Seats Avail Wait
FOLK-F 131 FOLKLORE IN THE UNITED STATES (3 CR) CLSD 10839 12:20P-01:10P MW WH 101 Shukla P 150 0 1 IUB GenEd A&H credit COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit Discussion (DIS) CLSD 11474 03:35P-04:25P R FR C230 Bryant E 25 0 0 IUB GenEd A&H credit COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit 10840 04:40P-05:30P R FA 005 Colom G 25 1 0 IUB GenEd A&H credit COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 12889 05:45P-06:35P R BH 135 Colom G 25 0 1 IUB GenEd A&H credit COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 10841 10:10A-11:00A F WH 119 Bryant E 25 0 0 IUB GenEd A&H credit COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 12890 11:15A-12:05P F BH 222 Bryant E 25 0 0 IUB GenEd A&H credit COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit CLSD 11475 12:20P-01:10P F WI C111 Colom G 25 0 0 IUB GenEd A&H credit COLL (CASE) A&H Breadth of Inquiry credit