Fall 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Seats Avail Wait
MUS-O 450 JAZZ CHAMBER ENSEMBLE (1 CR) 10461 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Allen J 80 36 0 Above class for Jazz Combos Above class for undergrad Jazz majors only or permission of instructor Students enrolling in the above class should leave 12:20-2:15pm daily and 4:00-6:00pm MWF open until specific assignments are made. Above class meets with MUS-O 550 10476 PERM 12:20P-02:15P TR MC 066 Spiro M 30 30 0 Above class for Latin Jazz Ensemble Above class for undergrad Jazz majors only or permission of instructor Above class requires permission of instructor Above class meets with MUS-O 550 14800 ARR ARR ARR Walsh T 10 4 0 Above class Jazz Combos for non-Jazz Studies majors