Fall 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Seats Avail Wait
BUS-P 481 SUPPLY CHAIN PLAN & ANALYTICS (3 CR) 13238 04:00P-05:15P MW GR 102A Yu C 35 5 1 P 481 : P - I-Core; (BUS-F 370, P 370, M 370, J 370 and I 370) or (BUS-F 304, P304, M304, J 304, and I 304) or (BUS-F 370, P 370, M 370, Z 370,& T 375) or BUS-BE 370 or BUS-BE 304 or BUS-BE 375 with a grade of C or better Above class requires special fee - See fee page 32398 01:00P-02:15P MW HH 1047 Yu C 35 1 1 P481 P: Icore-{(BUS-F 370, BUS-P 370, BUS-M 370, BUS-J 370 and BUS-I 370) or (BUS-F 304, BUS-P 304, BUS-M 304, BUS-Z 304 and BUS-T 375) or BUS-BE 370 or BUS-BE 304 or BUS-BE 375} with grade of C or better Students must enroll in this course by the end of week 1 of the term and attend by class #3 in week 2; No eAdds will be accepted Above class requires special fee - See fee page