Fall 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Seats Avail Wait
BUS-C 104 BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS (3 CR) CLSD 11821 RSTR 05:30P-06:45P MW HH 3059 Kerle' T 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 Must be a Kelley School Direct Admit Student IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11822 RSTR 01:00P-02:15P MW HH 3059 Kerle' T 22 0 1 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 Must be a Kelley School Direct Admit Student IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11814 RSTR 01:00P-02:15P MW HH 3050 Haywood R 22 0 1 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 Above class primarily for Briscoe, Foster, McNutt residents IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit Must be a Kelley School Direct Admit Student CLSD 11836 RSTR 01:00P-02:15P MW MN 001C Landis T 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 Above class for Kelley Living Learning Center students only IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit Must be a Kelley School Direct Admit Student CLSD 11833 RSTR 02:30P-03:45P MW HH 3059 Kerle' T 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 Must be a Kelley School Direct Admit Student IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11832 RSTR 02:30P-03:45P MW HH 3050 Haywood R 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit Must be a Kelley School Direct Admit student CLSD 11826 RSTR 02:30P-03:45P MW MN 001C Landis T 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 Above class for KLLC students only IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit Must be a Kelley School Direct Admit Student CLSD 11834 04:00P-05:15P MW HH 3050 Haywood R 22 0 1 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11825 RSTR 04:00P-05:15P MW HH 3059 Kerle' T 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit 11819 04:00P-05:15P TR HH 3052 Butters R 22 1 5 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11837 RSTR 04:00P-05:15P MW MN 001C Landis T 22 0 1 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 Above class for Kelley LLC students only IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11817 RSTR 05:30P-06:45P MW MN 001C Landis T 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 Above class for Kelley Living Learning Center students only IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit Must be a Kelley School Direct Admit Student CLSD 11839 05:30P-06:45P MW HH 3050 Haywood R 22 0 1 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11828 08:00A-09:15A MW HH 3046 Kolovou T 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11815 05:30P-06:45P TR HH 3052 Butters R 22 0 2 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11829 09:30A-10:45A MW HH 3046 Kolovou T 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11818 RSTR 11:15A-12:30P MW HH 3046 Kolovou T 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 Above class for Kelley LLC students only IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11816 07:00P-08:15P TR HH 3052 Butters R 22 0 2 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11838 01:00P-02:15P MW HH 3046 Kolovou T 22 0 1 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11830 04:00P-05:15P TR HH 3050 Rahko S 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11827 02:30P-03:45P TR HH 3050 Rahko S 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 11831 02:30P-03:45P TR HH 3052 Butters R 22 0 3 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 14530 05:30P-06:45P TR HH 3050 Rahko S 22 0 2 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of classes C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 CLSD 14531 02:30P-03:45P TR HH 2049 Loucks S 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of classes C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 14536 07:00P-08:15P TR HH 3050 Rahko S 22 1 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of classes C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 CLSD 15406 08:00A-09:15A TR MN 001C Agger C 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of classes C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 15407 09:30A-10:45A TR MN 001C Agger C 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of classe C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 30260 08:00A-09:15A MW HH 2055 Metz K 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) CLSD 30261 09:30A-10:45A MW HH 2055 Metz K 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) CLSD 30262 01:00P-02:15P MW HH 3006 Metz K 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) CLSD 30263 02:30P-03:45P MW HH 3046 Metz K 22 0 2 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) CLSD 35229 01:00P-02:15P TR HH 3050 Agger C 22 0 0 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit CLSD 35230 11:15A-12:30P TR HH 3050 Agger C 22 0 1 C 104: P - International students whose first semester at IU Bloomington is Fall 2013 or later and are required to take SLST-T 101 courses, as a result of performance on the Indiana English Proficiency Exam, must pass all components of SLST-T 101 courses prior to enrolling in a Business Communication course (BUS-C 104, 106, 204, 205) C 104 : Attendance is required the first week of class C 104 : Credit not given for both BUS-C 104 and BUS-C 106 IUB STGEC Speaking & Listening credit