Spring 2016, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 05, 2016

Seats  Avail  Wait
               8386 RSTR     09:05A-09:55A   MWF    BH 333    Borgonovi R              23    1    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 Above class taught as hybrid course. Online work required in
                 place of 4th class mtg.
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               4890 RSTR     10:10A-11:00A   MWF    FQ 012B   Bagnasco M               22    3    0
                 Above class taught in Global Village Living-Learning Center
                 in Foster Quad
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 Above class taught as hybrid course. Online work required in
                 place of 4th class mtg.
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               4891 RSTR     11:15A-12:05P   MWF    SY 108    Borgonovi R              23    2    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 Above class taught as hybrid course. Online work required in
                 place of 4th class meeting.
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               7059 RSTR     01:25P-02:15P   MWF    BH 331    Montroni L               24    2    0
                 Above section has a cultural focus on food
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 Above class taught as hybrid course. Online work required in
                 place of 4th class mtg.
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               4893 RSTR     08:00A-08:50A   MWR    WH 109    Bagnasco M               22    1    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 Above class taught as hybrid course. Online work required in
                 place of 4th class mtg.
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               4894 RSTR     07:15P-08:45P   MW     BH 240    Cabrini L                23    1    0
                 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule
                 IUB GenEd World Language class
               4892 PERM     ARR             ARR    ARR       Cabrini L                16    2    0
                 Above class taught online
                 Above class: For permission, contact Karolina Serafin at
                 Above class has online meetings on Thursdays, either
                 9:30-10:45 am or 6:15-7:30 pm
                 IUB GenEd World Language class