Course Listing: SPEC TOP IN KINES
Spring 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 05, 2016
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SPH-K 550 SPEC TOP IN KINES (TITLE) (3 CR) VT: MATLAB DATA ANALYSIS 14728 10:10A-11:00A MWF BH 107 Block H 22 10 0 TOPIC : MATLAB Data Analysis VT: INTERVENTION & CONTROL ERGON 15671 09:00A-11:30A F PH 034 Pearce C 10 10 0 TOPIC : Interventions and Controls in Ergonomics VT: INTERVENTION & CONTROL ERGON 16156 ARR ARR ARR Pearce C 10 9 0 Above class taught online VT: FITNESS ADMINISTRATION 13258 ARR ARR ARR Kennedy-Armbruster C 15 12 0 CLSD 33904 PERM ARR ARR ARR Sailes G 3 0 0 Above class requires permission of instructor ( SPH-K 550 SPEC TOP IN KINES (TITLE) (1-3 CR) VT: UNDERWATER SCIENCE RESEARCH 14345 ARR ARR ARR Beeker C 6 6 0 SPH-K 550 SPEC TOP IN KINES (TITLE) (3 CR) VT: GEN MED COND IN ATHLETIC TRNG 33322 ARR ARR PH C206 Kingma J 15 1 0 TOPIC: General Medical Conditions in Athletic Training 35312 ARR ARR ARR McNary E 10 5 0 TOPIC: Principles of Management in the Sport Industry Above class taught online