Spring 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 05, 2016
Seats Avail Wait
SLAV-S 498 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL READING (3 CR) 6571 PERM ARR ARR ARR Valentino R 5 5 0 Above class requires permission of Department Above class requires permission of instructor SLAV-S 498 SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL READING (1-3 CR) CLSD 37386 PERM ARR ARR ARR Melnyk S 1 0 0 TOPIC : Independent Readings in Ukrainian II Above class requires permission of Department 9544 PERM ARR ARR ARR Melnyk S 2 1 0 TOPIC : Independent Elementary Ukrainian II Above class requires permission of Department Above class requires permission of instructor