Spring 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 05, 2016
Seats Avail Wait
PSY-P 457 TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3 CR) VT: LAB IN CLIN NEUROIMG 30355 11:15A-12:30P M PY 230 James T 18 7 0 11:15A-12:30P W GY 226 11:15A-01:45P F GY 226 P 457 : P - PSY-P 346 Above class open to majors only Above class meets with PSY-P 544 Mondays and Wednesdays PSY-P 457 TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (2 CR) VT: MILESTONES FIELD EXPERIENCE CLSD 16134 PERM ARR ARR ARR Patton C 5 0 0 Above class requires permission of instructor For permission to enroll, you must complete the application that will be distributed via email to all psychology and neuroscience majors during the first week of classes. Email for more information. Not an advanced Psychology class for purposes of fulfilling major requirements. Above class is an elective for psychology majors, it does not fulfill any requirements for the Psychology major. Students may be required to participate in on-site training, undergo TB or similar test, and/or consent to background checks. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the field sites. PSY-P 457 TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3 CR) VT: PSYCH AND NEUROSCI OF AUTISM 11896 09:05A-11:35A F PY 286 Kennedy D 25 2 2 TOPIC : Psychology and Neuroscience of Autism P 457 : P - PSY-P 346 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule Above class open to majors only PSY-P 457 TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (2 CR) VT: COLLEGE INTERNSHIP PRG FLD EXP CLSD 12775 PERM ARR ARR ARR Patton C 5 0 0 P 457 : For permission to enroll, you must complete the application that will be distributed via email to all psychology and neuroscience majors during the first week of classes. email for more information. P 457 : Not an advanced Psychology class for purposes of fulfilling major requirements. Above class is an elective for psychology majors, it does not fulfill any requirements for the Psychology major. P 457 : Students may be required to participate in on-site training, undergo TB or similar test, and/or consent to background checks. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the field sites. VT: VOLUNTEERS IN MED FIELD EXP 11343 PERM ARR ARR ARR Patton C 20 20 0 TOPIC : Volunteers in Medicine Field Experience Above class for permission to enroll, contact or Above class is not an Advanced Psychology class for purposes of fulfilling major requirements. Above class does not fulfill any Psychology major requirements Above class students may be required to participate in on-site training, undergo TB or similar test, and/or consent to a background check. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the clinic. PSY-P 457 TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3 CR) VT: HUMAN SEXUALITY RESEARCH CLSD 30312 12:00P-01:15P MW PY 115 Heiman J 20 0 1 TOPIC : Human Sexuality Research Above class open to majors only VT: SCIENCE OF MORAL JUDGEMENT 12659 02:30P-03:45P TR PY 109 Kruschke J 35 14 0 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule Above class open to majors only Above class meets with PSY-P 657 VT: NEUROBIO OF NEURODEG DISEASE 30321 11:15A-12:30P TR PY 115 Farley J 25 3 2 TOPIC : Neurobiology of Neurodegenerative Disease P 457 : P - PSY-P 346 or equivalent coursework in cell and/or molecular biology Above class open to majors only Above class meets with PSY-P 657 PSY-P 457 TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (2 CR) VT: MEADOWS HOSPITAL FIELD EXP CLSD 12793 PERM ARR ARR ARR Patton C 3 0 0 P 457 : for permission to enroll, you must complete the application that will be distributed via email to all psychology and neuroscience majors during the first week of classes. Email for more information. P 457 : Not an Advanced Psychology class for purposes of fulfilling major requirements. Above class is an elective for psychology majors, it does not fulfill any requirements the the Psychology major. P 457 : Students may be required to participate in on-site training, undergo TB or similar test, and/or consent to background checks. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the field sites. PSY-P 457 TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3 CR) VT: SPCH PERCEP & SPKN WRD RECOG 30543 RSTR 09:30A-10:45A TR PY 115 Pisoni D 30 26 0 TOPIC : Speech Perception and Spoken Word Recognition Above class open to majors only Above class meets with HON-H 300 A portion of seats held for Hutton Honors students VT: BIOBHV MDLS OF SUBSTNCE ABUSE CLSD 14317 09:30A-10:45A TR PY 137C Finn P 15 0 0 TOPIC : Biobehavioral Models of Substance Abuse P 457 : P - PSY-P 324 Above class meets with PSY-P 657 Above class open to majors only