Spring 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 05, 2016
Seats Avail Wait
MSCH-M 453 TOPICAL SEM IN INDUSTRY & MGMT (3 CR) VT: MEDIA LAW FOR PRODUCERS CLSD 15530 11:15A-12:30P TR TV 180 Krahnke S 15 0 1 TOPIC : Media Law for Producers M 453 : P - MSCH-C 207 or TEL-T 207 with a grade of C- or higher, or consent of instructor Above class requires permission of instructor Above class may be repeated with different topic COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit VT: BUS OF PROD MOTION PICTURES 16100 05:00P-09:00P FSN TV 180 Uslan M 20 2 7 05:00P-09:00P FSN TV 180 Uslan M 05:00P-09:00P FSN TV 180 Uslan M TOPIC : The Business of Producing Motion Pictures M 453 : P - MSCH-C 207 or TEL-T 207 with a grade of C- or higher, or consent of instructor Above class may be repeated with different topic Above class meets Friday, Saturday, Sunday: Feb 12-14, Feb 19-21, and Feb 26-28