Spring 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 05, 2016
Seats Avail Wait
LAMP-L 216 LAMP SOPH SEM: BUS/HUMANITIES (3 CR) CLSD 5186 RSTR 11:15A-12:30P TR BH 141 Hillier J 14 0 0 TOPIC : Leadership: The Inner Side of Greatness L 216 : Limited to students admitted to LAMP Above class COLL Intensive Writing section Above class approved for Honors credit L 216 : Meets full semester L 216 : Students required to register for LAMP-X 215 VT: RATIONALITY AND COGNITION 5187 RSTR 01:00P-02:15P TR SY 137 Savion L 14 3 0 TOPIC : Rationality and Cognition L 216 : Limited to students admitted to LAMP Above class COLL Intensive Writing section Above class approved for Honors credit L 216 : Meets full semester L 216 : Students required to register for LAMP-X 215