Spring 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 05, 2016
Seats Avail Wait
ILS-Z 602 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3 CR) 10460 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Bantin P 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only 11518 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Borner K 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only 11519 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Day R 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only 11520 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Ding Y 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only 11521 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Hara N 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only 11507 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Jacob E 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only 11508 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Liu X 5 4 0 Above class open to graduates only 11509 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Milojevic S 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only 11510 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Park T 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only 11511 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Robbin A 5 4 0 Above class open to graduates only 11512 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Fichman P 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only 11513 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Rosenbaum H 5 4 0 Above class open to graduates only 11514 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Silver J 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only 11517 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Duffy D 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only 29986 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Shih P 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only 29988 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Donaldson D 5 5 0 Above class open to graduates only