Spring 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 05, 2016
Seats Avail Wait
EURO-W 405 SPECIAL TOPICS IN EUR STUDIES (3 CR) VT: GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE 16058 01:25P-03:55P MW SB 017 Nordahl P 30 1 0 TOPIC : Geography of Europe Above class meets first eight weeks only Above class meets with GEOG-G 428 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit COLL (CASE) Global Civ & Culture credit VT: DUTCH CULTURE: MOD NETHERLANDS 37355 05:45P-08:15P MW SW 217 Haitjema B 40 25 0 TOPIC : Amsterdam Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class meets with EURO-W 605 and GER-E 341 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit COLL (CASE) Global Civ & Culture credit VT: ESTONIA: BORDERS & NEIGHBORS 15527 04:00P-06:30P TR WH 119 Kivik P 20 10 0 TOPIC : Estonia's Place: Borders and Neighbors Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class meets with EURO-W 605, CEUS-R 309, CEUS-R 509 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit COLL (CASE) Global Civ & Culture credit VT: EUROPEAN SECURITY ISSUES CLSD 15786 RSTR 11:15A-12:30P TR BH 135 Coyle G 15 0 0 TOPIC : Contemporary Security Issues in Europe Above class open to Hutton Honors College students only Above class meets with another section of EURO-W 405 and EURO-W 605 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit VT: EUROPEAN SECURITY ISSUES CLSD 15789 11:15A-12:30P TR BH 135 Coyle G 15 0 0 TOPIC : Contemporary Security Issues in Europe Above class meets with another section of EURO-W 405 and EURO-W 605 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit VT: TOPICS IN SCANDINAVIAN CULTURE 31319 11:15A-12:30P TR BH 140 Raun T 15 10 0 TOPIC: Finland in the 20th Century Above class meets with EURO-W 605, CEUS-R 602, and CEUS-R 502 COLL (CASE) S&H Breadth of Inquiry credit