Spring 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 05, 2016
Seats Avail Wait
EDUC-G 625 ADV PRAC - IND SUPERVISION (1-6 CR) 14920 ARR ARR ARR Stockton R 15 12 0 Application for practicum placement must be on file with the department. Contact Rex Stockton ( for information Above class for students whose advanced practicum placement is with the Center for Human Growth for practicum and requires attendance at a weekly staff meeting Tuesdays 4-5:30p with Dr. Stockton (minimum of 1 hour per credit hour registered) 32751 ARR ARR ARR Chung Y 15 14 0 Application for practicum must be on file with the department Above class for students whose advanced practicum placement is with outside agencies and student lives outside the Bloomington area. Above class is for students whose advanced practicum placement is at the Center for Human Growth or Ivy Tech. Enrollment in this section requires participation in weekly meetings with Dr. Gilman (minimum of 1 hour per credit hour registered) 14927 ARR ARR ARR Gilman L 15 10 0 Application for practicum placement must be on file with the department 14934 ARR ARR ARR Tracy M 15 12 0 Application for practicum placement must be on file with the department Above class is for students placed at the Center for Human Growth for practicum and requires participation in weekly meetings with Dr. Tracy (minimum of 1 hour per credit hour registered) 14941 ARR ARR ARR Chung Y 15 4 0 Application for practicum placement must be on file with the department Above class for students whose advanced practicum placement is with outside agencies 14946 PERM ARR ARR ARR Vaughan E 15 13 0 Application for practicum placement must be on file with the department Above class is for students whose advanced practicum placement is at the Center for Human Growth or Ivy Tech. Enrollment in this section requires participation in weekly meetings with Dr. Vaughan (minimum of 1 hour per credit hour registered)