Spring 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 05, 2016
Seats Avail Wait
BUS-S 546 CAPSTONE PROJECT (3 CR) 33013 PERM ARR ARR ARR Gerth T 20 20 0 Above class for BUS MSIS students only BUS-S 546 CAPSTONE PROJECT (3 CR) 12400 RSTR ARR ARR ARR Gerth T 130 58 0 Above class BUS MSIS students only 8189 PERM ARR ARR ARR Gerth T 20 20 0 Above class BUS MSIS students only CLSD 3754 PERM ARR ARR ARR Barsi Lopes A 20 0 0 Above class BUS MSIS students only 3753 PERM ARR ARR ARR Gerth T 20 20 0 Above class BUS MSIS students only