Spring 2016, Bloomington
Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, June 05, 2016
Seats Avail Wait
BUS-M 450 MARKETING STRATEGY (3 CR) 3719 RSTR 09:30A-10:45A MW HH 3075 Talbott J 40 1 4 M 450 : P - [(BUS-M 342 and BUS-M 343) or BUS-BE 342, or BUS-M 346] and BUS-M 344 and BUS-M 303 and senior standing BUS-M 450 will not be offered in Summer 2016. In order to request a permission to take this course concurrently with any of the pre-requisites, please complete the course request here: HTTP://TINYURL.COM/UGRD-COURSEPERMISSION 9246 RSTR 08:00A-09:15A TR HH 3079 Cady J 35 13 0 M 450 : P - [(BUS-M 342 and BUS-M 343) or BUS-BE 342, or BUS-M 346] and BUS-M 344 and BUS-M 303 and senior standing BUS-M 450 will not be offered in Summer 2016. In order to request a permission to take this course concurrently with any of the pre-requisites, please complete the course request here: HTTP://TINYURL.COM/UGRD-COURSEPERMISSION CLSD 3720 RSTR 02:30P-03:45P MW HH 4030 Lalwani A 30 0 4 M 450 : P - [(BUS-M 342 and BUS-M 343) or BUS-BE 342, or BUS-M 346] and BUS-M 344 and BUS-M 303 and senior standing BUS-M 450 will not be offered in Summer 2016. In order to request a permission to take this course concurrently with any of the pre-requisites, please complete the course request here: HTTP://TINYURL.COM/UGRD-COURSEPERMISSION 3721 RSTR 04:00P-05:15P MW HH 4030 Lalwani A 30 1 1 M 450 : P - [(BUS-M 342 and BUS-M 343) or BUS-BE 342, or BUS-M 346] and BUS-M 344 and BUS-M 303 and senior standing BUS-M 450 will not be offered in Summer 2016. In order to request a permission to take this course concurrently with any of the pre-requisites, please complete the course request here: HTTP://TINYURL.COM/UGRD-COURSEPERMISSION 10838 RSTR 09:30A-10:45A TR HH 3079 Cady J 35 1 0 M 450 : P - [(BUS-M 342 and BUS-M 343) or BUS-BE 342, or BUS-M 346] and BUS-M 344 and BUS-M 303 and senior standing BUS-M 450 will not be offered in Summer 2016. In order to request a permission to take this course concurrently with any of the pre-requisites, please complete the course request here: HTTP://TINYURL.COM/UGRD-COURSEPERMISSION CLSD 3718 RSTR 01:00P-02:15P TR HH 3057 Mallapragada G 36 0 1 M 450 : P - [(BUS-M 342 and BUS-M 343) or BUS-BE 342, or BUS-M 346] and BUS-M 344 and BUS-M 303 and senior standing BUS-M 450 will not be offered in Summer 2016. In order to request a permission to take this course concurrently with any of the pre-requisites, please complete the course request here: HTTP://TINYURL.COM/UGRD-COURSEPERMISSION CLSD 13276 RSTR 02:30P-03:45P TR HH 3057 Mallapragada G 36 0 1 M 450 : P - [(BUS-M 342 and BUS-M 343) or BUS-BE 342, or BUS-M 346] and BUS-M 344 and BUS-M 303 and senior standing BUS-M 450 will not be offered in Summer. In order to request a permission to take this course concurrently with any of the pre-requisites, please complete the course request here: HTTP://TINYURL.COM/UGRD-COURSEPERMISSION